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First day home from school and it felt unbelievably good to be in the house I
grew up in again. I had only been away from home for a year but it felt like
ages, especially since my only visit was during Christmas break and only for a
few days due to my busy work schedule at the restaurant I worked at near
school. I actually got home the night before and a had a good visit with both
my parents. My older sister was not coming home from college for the summer
since she had arrangements to live with friends in another town working at
beach resort and my younger sister, Lucy, was out for the night with
friends. I had an early night last night to catch up on sleep that I had
greatly needed. I must have really needed it because I didn't get up until

It was Saturday morning and I walked down to the kitchen to find a note from
my parents saying that they had gone out of town for the night to visit some
friends at their cottage. Good thing I came home last night so that I could at
least see them for a bit. I lounged around for about half an hour and watched
TV and ate a bowl of cereal. Before long it was getting close to 1pm and I
figured I had better do something productive with my day. I had always had a
great desire to re-arrange the furniture in my bedroom so that I had a little
more space in what was currently a pretty confined area. I tried to move the
bed and my dresser on wheels in a couple of different places but my room was
simply too small, and I quickly decided that the main problem was the old
cabinet that had been in left in the room when we first moved in 10 years ago.
I had always been used to having it in my bedroom but I really had no need for
it in my bedroom aside from storing some of my belongings, mostly my vinyl
collection. The thing was huge and it took up most of my room. I didn't really
need it anyway since the only record player in the house was downstairs
anyway. The friggin' thing was 5 feet long , 2 feet wide and 3 feet tall. This
thing had to go. I didn't bother trying to take all my records out because I
thought it would consume too much of my time so I tried to puch it around,
thinking I could slide it along the carpeted floor and carefully cown the
carpeted steps (2 floors !) to the basement which was always a little hang out
room when I was in high school. I got behind it and started to push but it
wasn't going too far. It took a lot of effort to move it a few inches.

I though it would be best if I got some help to get the job done. I had
remembered seeing Lucy laying on a beach towel in the back yard from the
Livingroom where I was watching TV earlier. I decided not to bother her
earlier because all I could see when I looked out the window was the top of
her head and to big breasts that rested upon her chest. They were so big that
I couldn't see any other part of her from the angle I was looking from. I
didn't want to say hi yet because it made me uncomfortable to see my sister
that way and because I was taken back by how big her breasts were. I never
noticed them before (because I don't look at my sister that way), maybe she
had grown in a few places since I had seen her last. She was staying with
family that we have in Florida this past Christmas so it had been almost a
year since I had last saw her. I called her from by bedroom window and asked
her kindly to throw on some clothes and help her dear brother move some
furniture out of his room. I then continued in my futile pursuit to move the
cabinet by myself. Before long Lucy had entered in a gray track suit that
covered the bikini she was wearing before and before she said hi she was
pulling at the other end of the cabinet. It started to move quickly and
easily...then she said hi.

We made some small talk and started to catch up as we moved the cabinet down
the hall. I told her how school was and as we were about to start talking
about what she had been up to we reached the first flight of stairs. Lucy
was at the end closest to the stairs so she would be going down first. She
said we were going to have to lift it down the stairs. Before I could even
offer to switch Lucy spots she lifted up her end and sternly told me to do
the same. The thing weighed a ton. It must have been at least 350 lbs. We made
it down the short flight of stairs okay but I needed a second to breath before
we went down the second. I was already sweating, Lucy on the other hand was
dry and comfortable, not even short of breath or slightly tired. She was ready
to keep going before I stopped and was already down a couple stiars waiting
for me to get back into it with her. I gathered up my strength and went back
to work. The break I took was obviously not long enough. She had reached the
floor of the basement but I lost my grip and tripped forward from the top of
the at airs. I fell forward and started to slide down the top of the cabinet
until it quickly straightened itself. I was lying on top of it, confused and
scared. My first thought was that I had crushed my little 16 year old sister.
Then I noticed that the cabinet I was lying on top was swaying and several
feet of the ground as I heared the sound of tearing fabric. I peaked over the
edge of the cabinet to my shock and amazment to see Lucy supporting the
weight of the cabinet and myself, more than 500 lbs, with her arms completely
extended over her head. Her sweat suit and been torn into tathers drapped over
or falling of her explosive muscles.

"Are you okay?" I yelled out, completely confused.

"I could do this all day, I'm just glad you're okay" she said as she began to
do reps with the cabinet and me on top of it. She walked over to a clear spot
in the basement and set down the cabinet and then picked me up and set me on
my feet. I was standing face to face with my little sister, only she wasn't little anymore! She had grown to be 6 feet tall, about 7 inches taller than I
last saw her a year ago. She was now an 2 inches taller than me, her senior by
3 years. I couldn’t believe it. Then I took in the sight of the rest of her
body. I didn't notice her body while we were moving the cabinet because she
was wearing a sweatsuit and because I was focused on moving the damn piece of
furniture. Now the sweatsuit was only a memory and what stood before me was the
most unbelievable sight in my life. Lucy's shoulders were at least 50%
broader than mine her traps were just massive. Her pecks were two solid slabs
of muscle with the most amazing breast I have ever seen in my life sitting on
top of them, just bearly being contained by her black bikini top. Her arms
were just two massive mounds of muscle drapped along her sides. Her stomach
was covered with perfectly cut abs...she had a friggin' eight pack! Eight !?!
Her legs were enormous. Her thighs were swelling with muscle and her calfs
were as big as my thighs.

" Lucy....." I could barely speak. I was terrified and aroused by my baby
sister. She was more muscular than I could ever dream of being. "...you're
massive. You're the most incredible thing I have ever seen. How did you get so
big and strong and so....big?". I sounded like a complete moron and I couldn't
belive how small I felt.

"Well, why you were gone at school I put this room to use when I bought all
this exercise equipment at the stock auctions right after you left..." I was
too stunned by my sister's physique to notice the incredible home gym my
sister had established in the basement. The back wall was all mirrors and I
looked into I could see Lucy's massive back. It blocked my body completely
out of view. I looked like a small child next to her, my baby sister.

"I got into lifting and working out to help my rugby playing, swimming, soccer
and tai kwan do and before long I just became so in love with the way I felt
and how much I was growing that I dropped all my other sports to focus on my
weight trainning. I still do the other stuff from time to time recreationaly,
but this is what I love. And the more muscular I became, the more my body
grew. I weigh 250 lbs and I'm 6 feet tall and still growing. There is no
explanation for it so I just go along with it. I'll have to stop growing
sometime, but until then..." Lucy then went into a doulbe bicep pose.

"Can you measure these for me?" She said softly in a sweat little girl voice
as she handed me the measuring tape. My trembling hands opened to receive the
tape unti she stopped. "Wait. Let's measure yours." 

She put down the tape on the cabinet and lifted my t-shirt off of me and then
proceeded to drape me over her shoulder to take off my pants, socks and shoes.
She set me down on my feet again so that we were once again face to face. Her
standing majestically in her black bikini and me in my little blue boxer
briefs. She looked me up and down and then took note of my erection. She
started to laugh.

"Oh sweety, you've got a little chubby for your little sister. And look at
you. You are so slim." Her arms looked as wide as my body. She was always
athletic when we were growing up and I was always the slim, unactive music
lover, but at least I was taller than her. Not anymore. She looked like she
could take on an army of me. " Show me a bicep, big brother". I flexed my
stronger arm, my right, as hard as I could and Lucy wrapped the measuring
tape around. " 14 inches. Let's see how big your little baby sister is, shall

She handed me the tape and she began to pump her arm. I started to put the
tape around but Lucy continued to pump her bicep. "22
inches!....23"........24"...." Lucy pumped harder " my mouth went dry and I
could barely utter out the final measurement "26 inches. My god Lucy. You're
biceps are 26" big! That's amazing!"

Lucy smiled and brought both my hands to feel her massive biceps. "You
should see how strong I've gotten big brother". And with that she lifted me at
my hips and raised me over her head. "Grab the bar" she said, refering to a
bar across the ceiling, ten feet above the ground. "Show me how many chin ups
you can do , big brother and then I'll show you how many I can do." I managed
to do 4 chins ups and tried to get up to do the fifth but couldn't bring my
150 lbs body up any more. " You are so cute!" she replied and then jumped up
and grabbed the bar too, her hands outside mine and her face in front of mine.
She the nplanted a gentle kiss on my cheek. My erection was not able to get
anymore erect than it was. I don't think I'd ever been so erect in my life. My
underwear was stretched to its limits as my soft, slim body brushed up against
her massive physique. She felt like steel covered with a few layers of skin.

"Okay, let's see if I can beat your big 4 chin ups, big brother". She then let
go of the bar with her right hand tickled my balls with her finger. I was
caught of guard and let go of the bar. Lucy's lightnig reflexes cought me by
the elastic of the front of my underwear while grabed hold of the bicep of the
arm holding me up. Lucy then began to do one handed chin ups with
astonishing ease and doing curls with the hand that prevented me from falling
to the basement floor. She was lifting her own 250 lbs mass with her weaker
left arm while curling my 150 lbs with the other. She showed no sign of
fatigue but continued to pump up and down. I had a complete wedgey but could
think of nothing more than the massive bicep I held with my two hands and the
rock hard solid and now sweaty body of my once little sister, now a power
house of unimaginalbe feats. This began to be more than I can take and I began
to have an orgasm as my sister pumped my body like I was nothing. As I came
she pulled herself up faster and when I was done I almost blacked out. Lucy jumped down to the floor holding me in her arms like a little baby. Her
muscles were so pumped that her bikini top broke off while she was curling me
and doing chin ups. She ripped my underwear off as she could see it was giving
me great discomfort. I layed naked in her arms barely conscious looking up at
my baby sister.

" Do you like my new muscles ?" she asked cutely with a smile. I nodded my
head slowly. "Good, because I'm going to keep getting bigger, and maybe you
can help me with my training. One of the main reasons I wanted to get big
muscles was to protect you. When we were in school together you used to get
picked on and i always wanted to be able to help, but I was too small. Now no
harm will ever come to my big brother ever again."

She walked me up to my room, my naked body craddled in her massive muscles and her bear breasts.


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