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Hey patrons,

I had another editor in the office for a couple of days this week and they knocked out some behind the scenes clips from the latest episode we released 'The Troll Army Of Big Oil'. This first one is a look behind the filming process but also discusses a very wild experience I had between scenes. Everyone is juuuuust fine, but I did make me a little bit manic at the end there. Anyway, the director of this episode, Ben Boult, steered the performance the right direction in the end.

The other two clips dropping in the next few days.

In case you didn't get a chance to watch, the episode in question was this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOi05zDO4yw



Joshua Cubbin

Fuck me this is the content I crave. I'm glad the doge is ok ❤️

Ryan Slater

Never let them catch you acting, Rollie!