Climate Town Town Hall #4 (8/22/21 @ 2pm) (Patreon)
Dear members of Climate Town,
I am continually blown away by your support and I would like to invite you to the fourth Climate Town Town Hall this Sunday, August 22nd from 2pm to 2:40pm EST. Basically I wanted to just say hi, give everyone an update on what I'm working on, and have a brief discussion about whatever's on your mind. I'm also going to be asking about what you'd like to see from the patreon page going forward.
We've done a few of these and I've always used the standard zoom time limit of 40-minutes as a feature not a bug. My guess is we'll have plenty to talk about to fill the time, and maybe we'll wanna make these longer in the future, but let's try to do the 40-minute thing again and see how we do.
Feel free to leave questions/comments in this thread if they're hard/technical so I can research.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 780 8686 2689
Passcode: ZBK0KS