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Hey Patreon supporters,

First of all, thank you so much for subscribing to the channel and bearing with my slow release schedule while I'm finishing grad school. I was recently asked by the University of Colorado to work with some of their students to create a short form piece of climate change communication on a topic of their choosing. They chose geothermal energy, which I honestly wasn't too psyched about at first, but then they showed me some of the research they had done, and I really came around to it. Here's the video we came up with. 

DISCLAIMER: This isn't an episode of Climate Town or anything (you can tell because it's not 45 goddamn minutes long and we don't cut to yellowing PDFs or microfiche slides of corporate malfeasance at any point).

I've got a BUNCH of full episodes in the works including a look at cryptocurrency, forrest fires in California, and much more. I hope you enjoy this little snippet and have a great Friday.



Patreon-Only mini video about Geothermal Energy

I recently asked by the University of Colorado to participate in a climate communications project, and I had the DELIGHTFUL opportunity to work with three undergraduate students to develop a quick presentation about a subject of their choice. The students selected Geothermal energy, a subject I didn't know a ton about, but I found it to be very intriguing. Thanks to the University of Colorado and students Morgan Oliva, Ava Lypps, and Garrett Warren.


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