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Hey Patreon,

I hope all is well on this (insert day you're reading this). For me it's a Saturday afternoon and it just went from hot rain to unbearably sunny and humid. Brooklyn is a delightful place.

ANYWAYZ, we're doing the second installment of our Monthly Town Hall, and this time it's Monday, July 15th at 5pm Eastern. Come on down and say hello, meet our whole Climate Town team, and just hang out for an hour. This is available to all patrons in the $5 and above tiers, so if this sounds like something you're interested in, make sure you're in one of those tiers before Monday.

If you've been a patron for more than a few months, you might be paying $5/month but not technically be in a tier. I know! Wild. You've gotta hit a couple of buttons to get in there.

1. Click the Settings link from the left sidebar navigation

2. Click on the Memberships link from the menubar

3. Click the View Details link to check your tier and membership details

From here, you can click the Switch to another tier button if you’re in the wrong tier. Whammo, now you're in a tier.

If none of these town hall things are interesting, don't sweat it, but if you'd like to get the proper Patreon experience, I'd love to see ya get into the correct tier.

See you there maybe,
Rollie and the Climate Town team




Here's the link (Town Hall starts at 5pm ET - in 3 minutes): https://meet.google.com/kot-evvy-uei

Tom Skadow

Just upgraded to member status from the basement level. Tom - Polk City, Iowa.