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Hey Climate Town fam!

Just wanted to give you a heads-up that we're premiering a brand new episode today (at ~1:30pm Eastern), and for the first time ever, we'll be doing a live chat in Discord during the premiere! All tiers are welcome to join in the fun.

*To join our Patron-only Discord channel:*

  • Make sure you've linked your Patreon and Discord accounts. If you haven't done this yet, no worries - it's pretty easy to do! For a step by step guide, check out Patreon's guide for linking to Discord.

  • Once linked, you'll automatically get access to our special Patron channel in the Climate Town Discord server, which you can join by going to this Discord invite link.

We're excited to chat with you all and hear your thoughts on the new episode. See you there!

💚 Rollie & The Climate Town Team



I just had a thought. I bought a Climate Town shirt. It arrives tomorrow (I think). Excited to rock it in public, but… I live in a part of Florida, where climate change “doesn’t exist”, the earth is only 6000 years old, and there isn’t enough evidence yet to determine whether or not the earth is a frisbee or not. Wish me luck.


did we get to 5000?