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Hey, thanks so much for all the responses to last week's poll- I'll have another coming quite soon, it's really great to hear everybody's thoughts on what should change/stay the same, and the little features people would like to see, really motivating stuff, thank you!

I've written a blog post about what I've done this last week, I've written the full scenario, short as it is, for the demo and now I'm working to get that scripted.
I've got a history of building too-big demos or waiting too long to let people play, so this little demo should only be 15 to 20 mins long, but it should be enough to get hands on and decide if this new game is for you.

Can't specify a release date, but I'm working every day and I'm hoping to have it for you soon. Since it's quite short, I'll try not to spoil any of the content before release, but I'm really excited to be working on it so I'm biting my tongue hardcore.



Demo building

It's nearly time to show everybody a glimpse of just what the hell I've been up to these past months.As you can see from the picture above, things still look pretty barebones right now, so I can't say for sure when all this will be ready.I don't want to shoot myself in the foot with an overly optimistic date, but I'm working hard to make it as early as possible without releasing v0.0.1 bullshit.


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