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Hiiii it's time again for the monthly recap!!


✨ Free Audio Poll || Suggestion Form

πŸ’˜ Exclusive Audio Poll || Suggestion Form

April 2024 Audios

April 2024 Art Pieces

A Few Updates And Looking Ahead...

  • I'm pausing billing for this month! Read here for more info.  Long story short, a lot of things have been happening in my personal life and I'm not in a good headspace with audio making at the moment. I would much rather pause billing and recuperate than give you mediocre work! You will still have access to your tier if you stay subscribed through this time!

  • Fear not though becauseeee I have some new FREE audios coming out this month on GWA πŸ’— It's part of a collab I'm hosting with my girl WildflowerPhoenix and I have a feeling a lot of you are gonna like the concept!!!

  • Dirty AMA will be recorded when I can record it because *waves slothy hands around at life being mean atm*

  • When this drops is still TBD: butttt y'all know I love spoiling my lovely slatrons...sooooo I commissioned Shawna Lee to make an ALL PATRON EXCLUSIVE CYOA πŸ’— This will be available for all paid members! I figured that while I can't be a cool fancy creator with mental stability or a set schedule, I can at least spoil you all for supporting me πŸ’– I'm hoping to have this done in time for my 1-year Patreon anniversary, but given how much I've been thrown this year...it's a strong hope πŸ’ž

Thanks again for sticking with me and supporting me!!! πŸ’—πŸ’–πŸ’ž





Take care of yourself Selene. Make your health and situation priority. One step at a time, and you’ll get out ahead! Better days to come 😊