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~~None of this is an April fools joke btw~~

Hiiii I want to start making beginning of the month posts that recap the previous month, remind you all to vote in the polls, and say a little bit of what I have in store! I hope you're all doing well πŸ’— This is to help keep track of things, and also (hopefully) reduce me spamming you with updates!


✨ Free Audio Poll || Suggestion Form

πŸ’˜ Exclusive Audio Poll || Suggestion Form

March 2024 Audios

March 2024 Art Pieces

A Few Updates And Looking At April...

  • Firsttttt I already have this fun sapphic collab with my friend MareyT posted for [EARLY ACCESS] πŸ’— This audio will go up publicly in May!

  • As you all know, I took a pseudo-break (yes even though I posted 5 audios here shhhhh) last month to focus on my health and I'm happy to say that my surgery went well! I'm still in the recovery process and my voice itself is recovering from the anesthesia, but I'm getting better each day πŸ’–

  • I won't be back to posting on GWA until May, and from then, I am pulling back on how often I post there. Don't get me wrong; I love putting out free content and some stuff I like doing on GWA is straight up not allowed here, but the vibes on GWA have been off lately and I've even received some pretty serious harassment. The harassment doesn't phase me that much, but overall posting on GWA has not had the same joy lately and I need to pull back a bit so my relationship with the subreddit isn't ruined forever. Thanks for understanding πŸ’“

  • Ok that was a bit heavy BUTTTT I am coming back to GWA in May with some audios...yes, audios! As in plural! Andddd part of a big collab I'm hosting with my girl WildflowerPhoenix...I won't spoil the theme yet, but you might notice a theme with the [EARLY ACCESS] audios this month πŸ’ž

  • I'm going to do a dirty AMA! I haven't closed down the form yet, but if you have any burning questions (SFW or NSFW both welcome!), now is your time to submit them!

  • I've started thinking about how in 3 months it will be 1 year since I launched the slatreon! I'm cooking up something special sooooo stay tuned πŸ’

  • Andddd more surprises...

Was that informative yet ominous enough for y'all? Thank you all again for sticking with me and for supporting my work!!! πŸ’˜





omg you made such a pretty and organized recap! Sending some healing vibes for you, hope recovery is smooth <3