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Recently had a patron say they were having trouble watching videos of mine. And I wanted to answer why! I believe I have said this before, but it'll be nice to inform the new members!

I'm currently using Vimeo as my video hosting site. Patreon with it's newly scary rules for gainers makes it too risky, and YouTube has no real way to share videos without links being spread to others. So I chose Vimeo as they offer an option to limit where people can view videos!

From my uploads there I can limit sites where my content can be viewed. For example, currently my videos are only viewable through Patreon itself as I wanted to limit viewers to actual supporters to keep it fair and give them the exclusive content I promised in the tier!

Now I do plan on cleaning out my Vimeo at years end or when it gets full (due to a yearly limit of videos I can upload. I may still be able to keep videos there at years end, but I'm still currently figuring it out.) From there previous vids here will no longer function here, BUT I have currently uploaded each video to an unlisted playlist on YouTube.

That playlist will be posted here at the end of the year, with every link to every video I have done for Patreon. Thus videos will always be available in the future even when I'm cleaning clutter out for newer videos! By then a year will have passed so it's not a huge deal if videos get passed around between fans, but the list of links will only be viewable on the Burp tier to still keep it as fair as I can while still making way for more content!

I even have each video uploaded to a Google Drive if anyone wishes to purchase videos of mine to keep! (Still figuring out prices tho heh.)

Hope this clears things up for y'all! Sorry for any inconvenience this causes, but hopefully y'all understand!

Look forward to more content soon!



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