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Hey, I've decided to attempt the Inktober challenge. I won't be able to go the one-pic-per-day route, (doesn't help that I first thought about this thing today) but I'll shoot for weekly or better. I am looking for pic suggestions from all the patrons. Just reply to this post with your suggestion(s). These will be addressed in no particular order, but may be weighted for ideas that are quick or fun for me to do, and for leader patrons who have not yet received drawings. Get going with those suggestions!

* I also reserve the right to reuse and/or color inked images for possible future projects. 




are we allowed to suggest any of our characters?

Glenn Sellers

Since Sabrina-Online "ended" with Sabrina becoming pregnant, why not a picture of Sabrina about 6+ months pregnant?

Kara Resch

Stacey & Tracey getting pulled into a house doing trick or treat. Maybe by some tentacles or ghosts~

Aaron Dain

Any objections to vore ideas?


Anything with Zig is always good, though maybe the stripes make her not so quick to ink. What is your favorite animal type to draw? Maybe start with that and see where it takes you.


Some "tasteful" Nick and Judy stuff i.e Pin-ups, or one page comics.


I'll throw this out here on the off chance it gets picked. My character enjoying a cup of coffee <a href="https://imgur.com/LGd4p34" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/LGd4p34</a>


I have always loved the picture of zig dressed as black cat from Spider-Man any shot of that being revisited would be cool. Just a solo pic would be cool to make it easier.


This may end badly, but how about a series of promotional posters for ZZ Studios productions? See what Sabrina actually worked on. "Terms of Enrearment", "Chitty Chitty Gang Bang", "So I Married An Ass Murderer"... Go crazy.


Given it's October I think it would be cool to see the return of Darke Maul, perhaps with the inverted cybernetic legs from Maul's appearance in the Visionaries comics and early Clone Wars episodes. Maybe have another character spoofing Ahsoka or Savage Opress.

Jerbens Jarman

I would love to see a throwback to your older characters, Flip and Clarisse.


Future Timothy and Tabitha using Halloween holosuits. unfortunately Tim let Tabby pick out the hologram costumes.

Don Gator

How about a pic of the girls of Zig Zag studios dressed up in boxing gear?

Kenneth Chisholm

How about Zig Zag discovering the erotic possibilities of the John Carter of Mars books and imagining the imagery in her videos such as herself as Deja Thoris in all her true naked exotic splendour?


No direct objections, but no guarantees either. Go ahead with your idea, and I'll see if the time and motivation are there for it.


Sabrina Conrad as Black Orchid from "Killer Instinct".

Andrew Flores

a tad bit late...but what about anything with Sabrina a her daughter Danielle.