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Not always the shiniest card in the shed.



Jerbens Jarman

you pick up on it after one or two instances....the trick is to get INTO to those instances

Tyro Thunderdrone

Yeeeeeah the amount of guys I have heard getting arrested because they thought it was....yeah we gotta be careful

Sleepy Dave

I feel targeted in those last 4 panels! 😆😁


Unfortunately, with many of us guys, ya gotta smack us upside the head with a clue by four... Also, talking from experience...

Jamie Willis

C’mon Doug take this opportunity I know I would

Glenn Sellers

LOL. Dumbass. That was a perfect descriptive. I'd say it was a perfect descriptive of Doug but, it fits about 75 - 90% of guys. LOL..

Jamie Willis

I would know all the signals when I hear them, take your woman Doug

Jamie Willis

I'd love for Holly to be my sexual conquest I love chubby nerdy girls :)

Dan Merget

In fairness, she just finished ranting about how she wouldn't want her usual sexual fantasies to occur in reality. Not to mention that he doesn't want to risk being the bad guy in a "me too" case. I don't think we can fault him too hard for waiting for her to give explicit consent.


Yeah.... im pretty thick too


When will there be Jane cottontail 3?


Don't know yet. All I can say is I don't have that planned for my next round of story candidates after the currently running ones.


Sometimes, your dreams turn into reality. And sometimes, it takes a bit longer to process this.