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Hmm, I guess maybe she's NOT dead.

... huh.



Kenneth Chisholm

Thank you! I thought we'd just have the cover at this point, but instead, we're getting into the story right away!


Busy month, eh?


The plot thickens...LOL


Most surprising is how her clothing somehow managed to make it to this treehouse with her...

Sashi Williams

Speaking purely for myself, I hope we get to see her being carried away right after being rescued ( in a flashback) with that lovely naked bunny all tied / bundled up in webbing... < EVIL GRIN>

Stone Quillian III

Yay! She's not dead! And look, she's got a hunk looking after her now. Wonder if they'll make sweet sweet lovin'.


Ah, the mysterious shadow in the tree is revealed! Yay! ;-)


Wait, she was rescued by a hunky Tarzan Bunny? Okay, how is this going to go wrong...


Nice. Jane gets to meet her Tarzan

Glenn Sellers

I thought so, too, at first. But, his ears are too short, although he seems to have a bunny tail. Maybe he's a hybrid of some kind. Nah! Eric wouldn't do anything like that. Right?


Oh, is this a sequel "Jane Cottontail That Sunken Feeling"?

Mr. L

FINALLY! So glad she isn't dead obviously, but now she can have more "experiments" with the natives

Kenneth Chisholm

What? And miss the chance to have the sexual fantasy of Tarzan/Jane that most adaptations didn't dare do explicitly and Bo Derek's attempt completely botched?