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The fantasy comes to an abrupt end, along with my van-drawing skills.

(also cameos suggested by Pegalis. I hope getting punched by Night Terror isn't a problem. ;) )



Michael J Simmons

Hell if it is, I'd be glad to trade spots. :-)

Jared Fattmann

Insert obligatory WAP reference here

Glenn Sellers

But, the WAP has to take up at least 1/3 of the panel and drawn in a curve to be done properly. LOL.

Glenn Sellers

Well, Chiropterana, you could always go assist him and hope that he doesn't notice anything odd about your appearance. BTW, your van drawing skills are okay. Just because it looks like the old Toyota van shouldn't be a problem.

Jerbens Jarman

Man, a real shame that weapons deal didn't go through. The dude even brought exact change!


*chuckles* I deserved it :) Perhaps it will make me rethink my criminal ways!


There's a time and a place...this was clearly neither.


At least her information source is reliable. She is at the right time at the right place. Just not prepared for it. -not anymore.

Lattimer Pines

She may not be the best at crime fighting, but her heart's in the right place. As for her fingers, I'd say this is a case of them being in the right place at the wrong time.