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suggested by Jared Fattman

Sorry folks, been running behind a bit thanks to a combo of feeling under the weather for several days and fighting a number of computer issues. I've been concentrating on getting the regular work done in a timely manner, and I'll be putting out the Leader-tier patron sketches as I'm able. Also, I hope to have the cover for the new Jane Cottontail story up by the end of the month. Thanks for your patience.

Eric Schwartz



Jared Fattmann

I wasn't coming up with any other Leader sketch ideas and I just thought to myself "hey, why not throw a bone to the other 7 people who keep voting for this in the new comic polls" Frankly, I'm glad I did too, cause she's super cute.


I think now that people have seen Amber I think will she get more hype when her comic comes up again for voting. lovely design too =^.^=

Jonathan Applewhaite

Hey, you think this reporter (or perhaps podcaster trying to look good as one) should have an encounter with Chiropterana?