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Comission - Nate To TANK


A patreon commission


Nate stood in his bathroom, snapped a pic. The walked to his sofa. He glanced through his msgs then sighed. He wasnā€™t sure when heā€™d lost contact for sure, but now he was looking down his messages heā€™d noticed a lack of his mate Sean for the last few weeks. Heā€™d heard about him joining the Army and wanted to reach out to catch up with his best mate now Nate was back in town. Only to find that Sean had vanished, his flat was empty and the only evidence he was around at all was a few posts on his Facebook that mentioned going for trials with ā€˜Unit 0 Trialsā€™? Whatever that was. Then suddenly, almost as if heā€™d know, a message appeared from him only a few hours before. Nate smirked, happy to hear from him, and switched over hoping to see a reply that would end his worry. No such luck, as his eyes become confused to see a short punchy catch line title. Unlike Sean at all.


Hey bro! You got to come join me! This place is awesome, proper gear and hard work, real good pay. Youā€™d love it plus they can do all sorts! Fun stuff, I promise man! Donā€™t miss out! : Sean

This, along with a link to a website calledā€¦Unit 0. Curious he checked it out, only to see that it was a newish test unit for the army, only been active for 1 year and was mainly for trainees and new recruits. ā€œMakes senseā€¦ā€ Nate said to himself laying back, phone in hand as he kept scrolling. ā€œLetā€™s check out this Advert thenā€¦ā€ as he clicked it.


ā€œJOIN NOW!ā€ The advert began, with loud music and images of lads playing football in training, water rapids and running up a mountain. ā€œTHIS WEEKEND! SIGN UP TRIALS! FIND MORE INFO IN THE COMMENTS SECTION BELLOW THE VIDEO!ā€ And so it continued to show, what looking like a holiday, or at least a very relaxed Camp to get people like him to sign up. ā€œHuhā€¦well, least heā€™s-WHAT?! NOā€¦It CANT be?!ā€ Nate paused, zooming in on the last image of the advert. ā€œS-Sean?!ā€ Nate leaned forwards; it was 100% Sean. His face body was nearly unrecognizable, but his face had retained its basic shape, his eyes their color, the res however, he was an army brute now, three times wider and probably taller too.


ā€œH-How?!ā€ Nate gasped, admiring his thick arms, the white shirt that clung to him and the huge dog he was handling like a champ, he looked monstrous compared to the shy friend he once knew. Now he was sure, he had to find out what was going on. What had started out as curiosity was now a full blown investigation. Nate flicked to his lap top, opening sites left and right to track down more information about this Army Camp and Unit 0. All the while the advert played on loop, something about it, the music? The way the men moved, it was drawing him in even as he searched for reasons to avoid it.

One site was filled with reviews, all of them comically positive. Most not even trying. BOB89 ā€œI was a nobody and then the Army made me what I am nowā€ Nate made a quizzical face at the weird review and comments ā€œThese canā€™t be realā€¦ā€ before finding a singe review. It had been posted a two weeks ago. George667 ā€œIā€™m gong find out what happened to my mate, we want him back! If you donā€™t hear from me in a week, call the cops PLEASE!ā€

Nate paused, his eyes hovering on the date. ā€œThat was two weeks agoā€¦ā€ Number of replies. 0

If he wasnā€™t worried, he was now. He saw the advert one last time, his mate Sean dumbly reading out slogans, huge dog in his arms with a dopey smile. He looked back at the message heā€™d received from Sean himself and its almost robot like begging for him to sign up. ā€œI have toā€¦to find out what happened to himā€ So Nate did the only thing he could think of. He sent a final message to Sean, explaining to him that he would be there soon to find him. Then he opened the advertā€¦ and signed up.

It was a week later that he was told by email, to be ready at noon for the Bus to the Camp to arrive at his house to pick him up. It was free, all he needed was the clothes on his back and some lunch for the first day. Seemed normal enough. Even the letter theyā€™d sent to explain the terms and the weekends planned events for the campers, all seemed legit. Yet even as Nate boarded the bus with the other lads his age, he found his mind starting to wonder. ā€œWas this a good ideaā€¦.ā€


Everyone on the bus was a lad, young or muscled up to the eyeballs. While Nate was more and more sure by the second as they drove out of town towards the camp that he had, made a mistake. It was several hours later, inside the sweaty bus that now started to smell of the men inside that finally the bus rounded onto a dirt road and into a Large Military compound. Huge steel fences and several layers of walls kept anything outā€¦or in, as the bus passed through each layer of security.

ā€œAlright lads!ā€ A voice boomed as the bus stopped and a huge man walked on board. His Uniform was barely holding onto his arms and chest as he strode in. ā€œIā€™m Sean and-Oh bro you came!ā€ Nates eyes widened. THIS was Sean!? The advert did he no justice. His beard was full, and his chest was much larger than it had been in the advert. His armpits were damp though the uniform and he stank like a horse. A stallion of a man. ā€œY-yeah, I came as you asked. I wanted to-ā€œBut Nate was cut off as Sean continued to shout to the Bus ā€œIf You wall want to follow me Iā€™ll get you all settled in, then we can start the fun stuffā€ as he grabbed Nates  shoulder and with the others, led him off the bus.

Now under his shoulder the smell was stronger than Nate had realized possible. Held tightly under his former best mateā€™s pit, the rank musk was thick in the air. His nose wrinkled but it was undoubtably turning Nate on. He didnā€™t know why, but as they walked the grounds towards a large Cabin for them all he almost had to hide his growing boner. Sean cracked his thick neck and stopped short of pushing his head into his pit, but in one motion managed to grip Neat with just one arm so he was trapped there. ā€œOh Nate, you so small now bro! You need some real man in yah aha-everyone else insideā€ he gestured to the other lads who jeered as he manhandled his old mate. Nate finally pulled free ā€œDude stop! F@#k you reek!ā€ But Sean laughed, sniffing himself. ā€œNa bro, this is the smell of a proper man. You wouldnā€™t know bro!ā€ and punched him square in the gut. ā€œF@CK!ā€ Nate yelped as he fell forwards, Sean laughed deeply, walking into the camp barracks to leave him on the dirt outside to whimper. ā€œW-what happened to you manā€¦ā€ Nate managed to cough out as he struggled to his feet.

Nate looked around slowly, getting his bearings. It was getting to evening; the sky was turning red. Trees and fences in all directions. ā€œ-w-whatā€™s that?ā€ he mumbled to himself as he walked away from the camp site, slowly following an odd smell into the woods. The path vanished into trees and before long, Nate had walked off into the dense undergrowth and over to a large fenced off area. It had a large sign on the fence itself.

ā€œRESTRICTED, TANK MANUFACTUREā€ Nate again sniffed the air. It smelt like a farm; he could swear that beyond the fence he could make out grunting from within the windowless building. ā€œDo they even make Tanks hereā€¦and why would it stink like thisā€¦ā€ ā€œOh BRO! Found ya!ā€ And the huge hand returned to his shoulder, pulling his head into that rank pit once again. The damp wet cloth on his face. Sean grabbed his head and rubbed it violently. ā€œI knew Iā€™d find ya here bro! Canā€™t help yaself can ya! You wanna be like ya big boy here!ā€ As he gripped harder and flexed all his muscles. Only pushing tufts of pubes and hairs out every gap the uniform allowed the sweat stains up his crack, pit, neck and back only becoming more visible. The man musk leaking through as he finally released his old buddy. Nate fell to the floor, sweaty, stinking of Seanā€™s sweat and now, covered in dust. ā€œDude, f you! I came to help you! What happened?!ā€ But Nate didnā€™t get an answer, Sean grunted ā€œBro, I brought you here! Iā€™m helping YOU! You dumb idiotā€ as he picked up Nate with little effort and carried him back to the cabin building. ā€œWhat are you talking about?!ā€ Nate tried to protest but Sean just repeated ā€œYou NEEDED this bro, you stick with me, and ill get YOU just like me. Or bigger! Ha-ha! Its just what I NEEDED. Plus, you may be accepted on the new programā€ as he punched the door open and threw Nates body down onto a bunk next to the other new recruits. All slowly putting on uniforms and getting themselves settled. Nate got more jeers and laughs from the lads, but Nate stepped in. ā€œLeave him alone ya little s#its!ā€ and they instantly silenced at the sight of the booming muscled hulk. Even Nate felt himself swoon, being protected by his former mate. The musk that lingered, the sweat was still damp on his clothes and skin. He licked his lips, not sure what part of him was being awakened. ā€œI f@cking thought so! So shut they hell up!ā€ And before leaving, he turned, winked at Nate and left.


It had been several hours since then, Nate now laying in his metal bunk, the sounds of snoring lads all around him. ā€œMoooo!ā€ Nate sat up. The sound had come from outside, far away. He looked towards the window, he had a direct view of the woods, he could picture the route and the sign - RESTRICTED, TANK MANUFACTURE- The smell was stronger now, Nate had barely noticed before but now he found himself getting dressed, walking to the windows and taking a long sniff. ā€œW-what the hell-this has gotta be what theyā€™re doing here.ā€ His conviction sealed, he glanced around the barracked before jumping out the small window. He looked around again, now much slower, fully aware that the hulks of this place could snap him in half, before he walked across into the woods. ā€œThey done behave right, what did they do to you-b-broā€ Nate muttered to himself, pushing onwards. Nate finally arrived at the sign. RESTRICTED, TANK MANUFACTURE. The large fence went off each way, several buildings ahead, lights on, the buzzing of some sort of machine in constant action as the smell seemed to only get stronger. Nate looked and eventually found a thin gap in the steel fence he was able to push himself though. The smell, however, was making him giddy. He couldnā€™t place it, but it was an odd high, fogging his mind so much he had to pause and take a few deep breaths to clear his head. ā€œN-No gotta concentrate! Arghā€ He buckled forwards, a bulge forming as he suddenly remembered the stench. ā€œHis pitsā€¦it stinks like himā€¦like-THEM.ā€ He glanced back at the hole in the fence, then forwards at the large building, the vents and pipes rattling as the stench got ever stronger.

Nate froze, a door opened near by as a huge army man walked out, turning and walking for a truck just out of sight. Nate saw his chance and silently slipped from the darkness, his boner leading the way as he slipped his hand into the door before it closed.  ā€œO-okā€¦ok Iā€™m inā€ as he moved inside the huge, dark building.

The inside stank even more, like an animal barn or a gym on steroids. He moved through the dark corridor until he found a large room, lined with odd machinery and what looked like several army men working on a table in the middle. ā€œA-are those straps?ā€ Nate mouthed as he saw the men setting up several large leather bindings back to the table before attaching it back to the machine. Then they brought in a man, clearly a new recruit like him, maybe from another bus? He looked confused but dazed, they easily led him to the table and strapped him down.


Seconds later he gave some vague struggling motions before they infected him in the arm, balls and neck, then the machine went to work. Nate watched horrified. The machine was much bigger than he realized, it lifted him up and a pipe lowered down and inserted into his mouth. Soon he began to swell, the moans were loud and getting louder. Soon deep long Moos echoed in the chamber as the man become a hulk, then past that to some freak of muscle and fat. His injected neck so thick he couldnā€™t move his head, balls so huge his legs were held apart by massive steel arms to keep them from crushing the bowling ball sized orbs. Both hanging in a painfully stretched sack over a foot below the man-no-monster now. The machine beeped loudly as they all started to look disappointed. The huge cock bobbed around as they fitted a huge pump to it. Seconds later the eyes rolled back, the moos grew loud and the floods of thick cum flowed out into a huge vat with TANK JUICE on the side. ā€œI-I need to get him help-ā€œ as a huge hand slammed down on Nates shoulder. ā€œOh yeah you do broā€ Seanā€™s, deep, firm voice was so bassy he felt it as much as heard it as he was effortlessly forced to his feet. ā€œListen mate, this is a trick, your being-MUHHHPH!ā€ Nate tried to argue but Sean knew how to deal with him, heā€™d trained him earlier to know his stink. His head stick into his pit he lifted him up from the floor with his other arm like baby and walked into the chamber.

When Nate came too, his face was wet and sticky with sweat, a few long hairs caught in his mouth as he mindlessly sucked at nothing before his mind fully came too. ā€œw-wait-n-no!ā€ Nate tried to move, but his arms were bound. Leather straps held them in place against a large steel table that was far too big for himā€¦.now. ā€œBRO! Canā€™t believe ya came man!ā€ Sean laughed, his shirt now off along with two other huge army lads. The muscles and stink, theyā€™re own thick rods could be seen sticking though their pants. Sean continued ā€œYou were always gonna come here man! I knew you would THE SECOND they said they needed a tank to take all this-ā€œ he slapped his hand onto the huge tank, collected partly from the huge freak that was being drained beside him. ā€œYour mental! They did this to you! They-MUUUHPHā€ The machine buzzed and a pipe popped into Nates mouth, the end expanded and quickly his jaw was locked. Sean walked over, cutting away his shirt and trousers as the other two began to prepare injections and pipes nearby. Nates eyes welled with tears as Sean leaned in ā€œBro, we gathered this tank from like, this man people bro!ā€ holding out both hands like a dumb ass to indicate more than 10. He pointed at himself ā€œJust a few drops made me like this bro! And your gonna get all that, Iā€™m jealous but they said I was too dumb, needed a clever dude to start with or ya just end up brain deadā€ he said again, lifting his arm to scratch his head playfully. He genuinely thought this was a good thing, Nate realized, struggling as hard as he could against the forced monster, they seemed to want to make him.


The two men returned, injections in hand, the pain to his balls hurt the most, but unlike the other dude, they continued, injecting his arms, but, legs, even his scalp. ā€œAll done bro, ill hook him upā€ one said as Sean took a VR head set in hand. It had an odd shape, large straps that looked like rubber meant it would look comically large on him but would still fit. He shook his head but soon he was in darkness. The headset was on. The pipe was in his mouth. The rubber was warm and rubbed against his head.


Then it started. The huge machine buzzed, and he felt himself being lifted up. He winced as the screen turned on and the headset showed a void. ā€œYou are going to be trained to be a TANKā€ the VR headset began. ā€œFew get this chance, first you will be fed, as TANKS are LARGE and need FUEL-TANK-NEED-FUEL-ā€œIt repeated as the image of a human became a bull, then a tank, then a bull, then a man.


Suddenly his mouth was pumped full, it was warm, thick, silky. It was too much. His mouth almost yanked open as the pump pushed it, no, forced it into his gut. In seconds he was full, in minuets he was expanding to nearly twice his original size. His gut pushed forwards, muscled and thick, arms bulging, his chest becoming a slab of meat that hung onto him. His neck became thick, the headset rubber started to hug, fitting better by the second. He couldnā€™t hear but the 2 men and Sean were looking pleased, Sean stepped forwards and slapped his formed mateā€™s belly. ā€œThatā€™s the tank we needed! I told ya lads I knew he'd do it for us!ā€ His body was soon growing hair in all directions as Nate twisted violently in his restraints. The headset was moving on. ā€œTanks and BULLS STINK. Because MEN stinkā€¦.but BULLS stink moreā€¦like a MAN SHOULD-HAIRY-STINK-MUSCLE-TANKā€ It looped on and on as he continued to swell. Moaning into the pipe. The tank behind them was barely half empty. Yet Nate was already 7ft tall, his balls now bigger than foot balls and his boxers burst open to let them loose. He wanted to moo, or roar, but the pipe kept filling.

His balls dropped, lower than any others, larger and dripping with sweat, he was no beautiful man, he was a brute, a hulking TANK. His pits tensed as his muscles clamped them, hairs growing over his back, chest and pits. The sweat rolling down as he kept growing, bigger, tighter, dumber, more obedient. The machine spread his legs and began to move down and rotate to support his growing weight better. A large stamp lowered, heated up, then branded his stomach. Huge bold letters permanently marking him forever.


The headset and pump continued for several hours, Sean checked on him as he was moved to stand, the machine never releasing him but slowly adjusting as his mind became thicker, his body limp as he guzzled more and more of the TANK JUICE, theyā€™d spend months collecting. His pits were huge, dense forests, chest thick and heavy, his gut was solid with muscle and his arms were so thick and broad they stuck out his side. His legs too were now too huge to separate so the machine had stood him up to let his straddle his own balls that took up the space under him. His shaft now over 2 foot and yet at his new height and frame he looked like he could move around no problems once released. A giant, a TANK.

He felt the machine change gear, a pipe moved from his mouth as the Vat finally ran dry, Sean looking up as the headset slid off. He could just see his head from his 6ft tall, Nate, now 8ft at least, had a lolled tongue and droll dripping down onto his chest. He looked move a monster, muscle and brawn didnā€™t cover it. He was a TANK. The huge label was all he needed to let people know he was their master. He hair had all but fallen out, the bald head shone as he looked more and more like a military thug. Neck so thick he really couldnā€™t look around; heā€™d have to turn his whole body like machine. His head was thick with the words of the VR headset. ā€œTHICK-STINK-OBEY-TANK-FUEL-OBEY-TANKā€ On a randomized loop his head was forever forced to create.

The machine clicked and he was let go, he stumbled forwards and almost on que his cock buzzed. He gasped, his head clearing for a split second as his mind was poured out. His cum was huge, the machine ready with a huge pipe big enough for his old body to fit inside popped over his bell end. Soon a second tank was filled, more than was there from all the men put together, heā€™d done it in one sitting as his balls pulsed and the tank overflowed. Sean jeered ā€œGo bro! let that juice out! Whoop!ā€ grabbing his own junk and cheering as the flow slowly stopped and Nate could stand. His body taking over as he slipped back, his brain now cum in the tank.

deep inside Nate was still there but forced to watch on as his body became a weapon. A creature for experiments as Sean became his handler. Soon Nate was lifting weapons that made him seriously more dangerous than a real Tank, he was the first of the prototype army. Who need Tanks when you can grow them, MAN TANKS.


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