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maletf asked:

Big fan of your work. I've always wanted to be a musky, scruffy stoner. Could you help me out?

Story - Stoner

"Sure, if thats what ya want mate..." and you watch as I raise my hand and click my fingers

You find yourself suddenly alone stood in your house. Only it looks different. Messier. Beer cans and rubbish lay around your bed, as you look around the rest of your place you notice holes in the wall, broken doors and missing objects.

"This is just a fu#king mess...whats this got to do with anything...." You sighed and decided to get a shower, then clean the place up. The smell of stale beer and smoke seemed to be getting stronger as you entered your bathroom.

"What the..." you opened the door only to find the shower had been torn out. Only a a few tiles were left in on the walls and a shoddy carpet had been laid haphazardly over the floor boards. You slowly reached for the tap but as the water splashed out you almost found it alien. "I...I dont..." you tried to reach under and wash your hands. But something deep inside didnt want to wash. It almost made you hate water all together. You turned off the tap and stood. "Maybe not now..."

You hadn't noticed but a thick stubble was starting to push out your face. Slowly creating a thick and messy beard. You lifted your hand and automatically found a long joint and a lighter in it. You took several long takes before you eve questioned it. "H-hey when did I?!" You cough out the clouds of weed and throw it to the floor. It tasted weird and your head was already getting thick and harder to think with.

You walk back into the living room, the rubbish had gotten worse. Now it was everywhere and even the sofa had developed stains and burn marks your table had several Ash trays and bottles of alocohol on and around it.

Your beard began to rub on your neck, but you just slowly tugged it, lazily walking towards the sofa. "No, I need to stop!" You wanted to shout but your body slowly collapsed into the leather. You raised an arm and took a long sniff. Your body grinned "na na, this needs to be way worse" Your mouth slowly slurred as you began to feel warm. Then hot. You watched as sweat started to gather in your pits, it was so fast! The musk began to radiate off and was far far nastier than any musk you'd naturally had before. The beard was now very long and began to mesh with your chest hairs that spread into a hairy carpet across your body. But always puffy and long, unkempt hairs thats would never be tamed.

Your pits became damp, stinking forests, then ripe ones as the sweat ran down your sides and stained the skin and hair under it. "That's better bro, damn!!!!" You stick your nose in and even your new body reels. "F#CK!!! I am gonna peel the wall paper! Yeah this bodys great!" As you reach forwards and took a huge joint from the table and sparked up.

Laying back you fart loudly, without control and follow it with a long burp. You try to scream out or move, but almost as if to answer your body just takes a long drag on the joint and said "na, you can let me drive now, you just stay stoned" and taking another long drag you felt yourself slipping deeper inside yourself. Watching on as a by stander you finally feel the stench and reeking smoke and musk fill your core. You grab your shaft and without stopping start to wank hard. Over and over. Like an addiction you couldn’t stop now. Your balls ached but yet you kept c×mming, sealing you like this forever.

Your body laughed, grinning like an idiot as the thick beard, cum and sweat mixed together up your front. You picked your lips but only managed to get a bit. Your beard was so matted and dirty with food and muck you could barely open your mouth other than to navigate a smoke to it.

This is you now. Mindless and out of control stoner just like you wanted. Ill leave you to it, I can see the sofa is starting to crack and peel from the stench and I dont wanna be here when you really get going.

Oh yeah your not done, everything ive said will only get worse as you give in more and more. Unable to stop, just a stinking smoking mess, covered in matted hair with food, sweat and c×m...




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