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Aaron stood Infront of the hotel rooms fill height mirror, posing for his Instagram. He put on a blank expression and stood, one hand in his pocket as he took the photo. He was popular for his chav look, which he did naturally as a lad from London. “Noice one bruv” he said to himself as he admired the photo and posted it, along with some others he’d taken out clubbing in Turkey the night before. He only had to wait a few seconds before his phone exploded with messages, reposts and comments asking about his trip and shouting about how amazing he looked. Aaron cricked his neck and put the phone on silent, he’d look again later when he had to do his mid day posts, this morning he had to go find the photo shoot with the other lads. Aaron had been unlucky, finding himself on the outskirts of Istanbul rather than near the city Centre, where the clubs, photo opportunities and the rest of his gang had managed to snatch places to stay.

Aaron turned, grabbed his hotel key, wallet and passport for clubs and anything he might get stopped about. They’d been warned to do so at the airport by tourism advice and he didn’t want to take chances of stuff going bad and ruining a video. Plus he was sure the press briefing would require his real ID as there would likely be a few people there. Aaron took a final look at his suitcase sat on his bed, stuffing the items into his pockets as he walked out and down towards the streets outside.

It was hot, it probably always was, but damn Aaron wasn’t prepared for it. It had been cooler at night when they’d arrived, but now the whole world looked like a yellow haze. It was busy with people in every direction, loud with traffic, shouting in languages he didn’t understand and the heat made it all into a hot bath of sweat and dust. “S#it-I got no clue where I came from” Taking out his phone only to find the signal wasn’t good enough to get a decent reading of where he was, let alone to make a call. Istanbul was massive and without his guide on the phone he was lost. “Well, I only gotta get to the middle, how ‘ard can that be ay’” and he walked forwards in the rough direction he was sure he’d come the night before.

“Alright guys, im walking about in this awesome city, got myself some new trinkets!” he held up some smoking pipes and cloth he had tied around his waist. “Still making my way down town! Will keep you GUYS AND GALS updated as we go! Aaron out!” He paused the video , quickly adding his own youtube intro and outro, then posted his update to twitter and facebook. He sighed, wiping his brow. He’d been walking just over half an hour when he decided to stop at a market and do some videos to pass the time. But he was still lost. Suddenly a large hand landed on his side, turning him around. Aaron spun to see two large Turkish men sat either side of a large, decorated shisha (Smoking Bong). The larger one spoke quickly in Turkish, pointing into the distance and back to him but Aaron had no idea what he’d said, before the second man leant forwards. “My brother here says he think you are lost my friend”

Aaron hesitated, he wasn’t keen on talking to random weirdos, he’d been warned about pick pockets and thieves would pick on him for looking like an easy target. “I-er-nah-I’m Good mate” Pulling back alittle from the mans grasp. “My friend come sit, why such a rush?” The man held the end of the long colorful pipe towards him, but all Aaron could see was the dirt on his hands and the smell of the room they were both sat inside. “-Na mate I don’t think so-“ as he turned his nose up and glanced left and right for anyone who might save him. Of course, there wasn’t. Before he knew what had happened, the arm had wrapped around his side and pulled him down onto the thick carpet. His view snapped back forwards in time to see the large bearded face and gold chain staring back at him. “No -no! You are not in rush, talk to us about your problems my friend” Aaron almost shivered as he saw the dusty handprint left behind from the Turkish stranger and could only hope it didn’t stain his neat and expensive clothes. He gulped hard, it was no less hot and clammy in the buildings shade. “Look guys-I’m a bit lost but I’m fine, just-I have to go-” But he was cut off again before could finish as the Larger one that spoke basic English raised an arm and slammed it down clumsily onto his shoulder. His thick paw slapping several times leaving a dirty white smear. “My brother you are not lost-we can help you“ he spoke in a slow tone that calmed Aaron slightly. The huge hand covered his whole shoulder as Aaron took a deep breath to steady himself. Instantly he coughed as he inhaled the open pit sit stink for the first time and was forced to look across as the thick forest of black hairs pointing at him.

Aaron finally snapped. This dude had grabbed him, made him sit here, it was hot, he was lost and probably late for his photoshoot with the gang. His clothes were now covered in this blokes dusty sweat stains and now he was being asked to sit here while he waved his arms around and stank the place out like an animal. “Na bruv f@#k that stink-im out’a here-oi-Get The hell off me!” Aaron tried to stand but the thick hairy arm held firm and only pushed him closer to them. “Friend your in safe place, no swear at your brothers” The heavy set mans voice once again seemed to calm Aaron for no reason he could understand. He blinked a few times before a stick was pushed into his hand. The one that didn’t speak any English chatted at him for a few seconds, his deep Turkish voice almost passing through him. Aaron finally snapped out of his daze and saw the Shisha Pip in his hand. “My brother here says you should smoke, will clear mind. No longer lost”

Aaron wanted to leave, his mind was foggy, and he was desperate to escape, feeling heavy he looked at the two huge men. “S-so if I try this, youll let me go right? I-REALLY have-I really have to go. I have a photo shoot to be at-“ he half muttered as the huge man nodded. “Yes friend, you smoke and your problems will go away ok!” He slammed his hand into Aarons back, who gulped hard. He looked at the pipe and huge glass shisha, bubbling loudly. He had no idea what it was, but knew most people back in the UK would go mad to try one. If it meant getting out of here, he’d do it.

Aaron took a long drag and could hear the shisha bubble into life as he breathed it in. Both large men smiled and a few other brutes around them even jeered on as he went. This is ok. He thought to himself as he breathed out a huge cloud of white smoke, it tasted of some spice of tobacco he had never tried before and it was having a strange effect om him. So much so that Aaron instantly began to breathe in a second lung full. His chest felt tight as he did it. “This-This is alright mates” he managed between clouds as the two men smiled back. “Now you will know your way my friend!” as he reached for the pipe and Aaron slowly passed it back, after a final, longer toke of course. “Cheers my friends, but I do HAVE to go.” Finally managing to stand and pull away, he staggered to one side, grateful to get away as they shouted after him about maybe seeing him again soon. Aaron only muttered to himself “Not if I can help it mate, I’ll be out this dump in 2 days and off to America for the awards
.if ic an find this f@cking photoshoot”

Now covered in large whiute dusty hand prints and stinking of Shisha Smoke, Aaron looked around staring out at the busy crowd at the many streets in the distance. Then, like a bolt of electricity, he just knew. “Oh wait
actually-I think I gotta go down there
” Totally unsure how, he finally managed to gain some idea of where he was and continued his way towards the city Centre. “Maybe those stinking weirdos weren’t so bad after all” he laughed to himself as he started to walk. His body seemed to steer itself and guide him down small streets and alleys he was sure he had never used, but was somehow equally sure it was the right way.

Finally he appeared from a thin ally into the centre of town. Music was playing, people were pushing food carts and his nose was suddenly bombarded with smells and senses he’d never been attuned to before. He stopped dead. Even back in the UK spice and incense had been a big no for his delicate senses, but all of a sudden his nose held towards the market and he felt compelled to explore it. “I-I guess I can find 5 mins innit” he said as he glanced at his phone, it was half 11, so he did technically have time now he’d somehow found his way so fast. So Aaron turned towards a large food stan and walked towards it, reaching for his wallet.

It must have been at least an hour later, Aaron wasn’t sure, only that he’d taken a seat at this market stall and soon the guy had been showing him food he’d never have even have considered at home. It wasn’t longe before he felt a little bloated and had to stop and take a breather.  He’d spent half of the cash he had in just that one sitting! Aaaron wiped his face and looked up from the metal chair. “Can I get a coke my friend!” and the large man behind the cafĂ© bar looked back down. “Bro, if you’ll stop eating everythingh haha! Of course you can.” as he threw the can towards him. Aaron caught it as if he’d done it a thousand times and as he went so stand.

-RIIIIP- his shirt tore down the side as his belly seemed to pull down as he stood. “W-wait what the?!” Aaron gasped as he felt the heat of the sun against his new bare belly. His grey joggers now tightly hugging his expanded waist. “-B-but when did? UGH!” Aaron yelled as his belly pushed out another inch and like a beach ball, popped into a round ball gut that his small shirt was forced ride up and sat above. No matter what he did, it wouldn’t pull down over the new orb of flab he’d somehow gained. The market owner just laughed “I’m always saying you need to watch what you eat bro” Aaron looked back as the Turkish seller. “What are you saying?! I just came here, I wasn’t this fat what did you do to me?!” But the guy only looked confused. “Er, a big guy like you should be eating ay, It is hot you should sit down” but Aaron pulled away and turned into back into the crowded street. “My friend wait!-“ the man shouted after him Aaron felt a new sensation. His belly began to itch. He scratched aimlessly as hairs began to spread across it.

“No no no!” He shouted as he walked as fast as he could for the Photo Tent, his gut bouncing as sweat started to gather in the matted hairs. He could feel his shirt becoming damp with it. “W-what the f@#k is goin’ on! I need to get to the shoot, maybe the guys at first aid can help me. Its this damned place, all filthy and hot. I just need to get back, I can fix this!” He kept pushing forwards, the odd person looking as this bulging white kid running through their streets unti Aaron burst into a public toilet not too far from the shoot. “F@#k! SO HOT~” He gasped as he slammed his head under the tap and turned it on, gulping down water. He knew he couldn’t be far now, he was just desperate for a drink. Then he saw them. His eyes widened as he took his hands off the tap.

“The- F@CK?!”

His hands were almost bear like, thickening by the second. He tried moving his fingers and could actually FEEL them rubbing against each other as they expanded. The hairs matted and hooked together. Sweat was even making them look damp. “Na bruv- t-that’s impossible
.” Aaron stagged back. Trying to rub the hairs off, they HAD to be fake. This was a prank right? He patted his growing gut and could feel his whole body wobble as the layers continued to pile on, his new hairy body hugging his once expensive sweat soaked shirt. It was real all right.

“Oh for f@#ks sake! My new shirt!” Huge sweat stains were growing under his arms, he looked down as he could watch a new patch gathering in the middle of his chest. His moobs starting to pull on the fabric. He turned and stepped back into the street door. Almost as if on command a new Turkish man appeared. He pulled him aside “You say you need clothes, I have best ones and all for good price! You wont reget. Big man like you needs good clothes uh!”

The man pushed Aaron towards a stand and was thrown a large blue shirt. It was a knock off brand and it was a XXL. “Listen I don’t think-MUFHF” The man grabbed his dusty jumper and in one pull it tore off as he pulled the blue shirt over him. “No my friend you are not wearing such small clothes. Big man ay! This will fit much better” As he stood back, admiring the new man. Aarons old tattered shirt and jacket that had cost him over 300 quid has now been replaced with a 5 dollar knock off that was way to big for him. “Please I just want-“ was all he managed but the man had nothing more to say, shoving him away. “No money, you go!” Aaron was spinning. His clothes now gone he fell forwards back into the crowd again. He took another deep breath, his hairy chest expanded further as the XXL shirt went from too big, to just right. He belched hard. “BURRRRRRRRRP” as he got his Barings. “This is insane
what’s going on, gotta get to the shoot, stay focused” Aaron shook his head hard as new sweat stains already began to form on his back and stain the pits of the brand new shirt. He almost cried “What’s going on! Just leave me alone damn-it!”

He could smell himself as his arms were pressed open by his new beefy body. He smelt Ripe. Rank. It was thick and his pits were sweaty and hot, slimey almost. His shirt clung to his skin and felt uncomfortable in all new paces. “No-this is a nightmare-where the hell is-AHHA! THERE!” He pointed happily into the main square as he rounded the corner. He could see youtube staff and a load of police around a large white tent. He ran towards it, his gut bouncing as he did, reaching the crowd and eventually reaching the front where a guy in uniform stopped him. “Passport mate”

He looked up, “Course, Im AaaronGamexi so sorry im late, listen I need ya help-“ he fumbled into his jacket. His jacket
 “My jacket!” He shouted, turning to look back the way he came as if it would appear there. “Sir, I need to see your passport to confirm your identity or I cant let you in” Aaron felt the blood drain from his newly tanning face. “No no! I lost it, I’m swear I’m AaaronGamexi the youtuber and insta guy. Ya know, I did the video on Five Nights, with the dance, that was me remember-“ but the man just laughed. “ALRIGHT then yeah sure ya are. Listen you might at least try to get someone who looks like him if your gonna try and impersonate someone. Now get outa here” But Aaron was desperate and pushed forwards, the staff member lost his playful look and called security who grabbed him in seconds. “No please, I’m Aaron I swear! Get the guys inside to come speak to me they’ll know it’s me!! ITS ME!!” Before he was tossed backwards by two huge American bouncers. “Go back home. If we see you again we’ll call the police. And they ain’t too kind here from what I heard about your country” Aaron was shocked, his heart skipped a beat. His country?! Did they think he was a turk?! He went to stand and push back but got another hard shove from a guard. His flabby new body was not going to help him anymore than his tanned skin and thick black body hair did to convince them he was some English teenager. He stood up, now covered in dust again, sweating and covered in fat and hair he looked around as people moved to avoid him. A few recording his ordeal on their phones and making Instagram videos about this weirdo pretending to be him. “Oh s@it this is serious-“ and he ran back towards the toilets near by, there had to be a mirror inside. He couldn’t really be unrecognizable?! Could he?!

He couldn’t speak. He saw a huge Turkish bloke looking=ng back. Tanned skin, thick beard, stinking like hell and sweating like a hog. His arms and chest, back, legs, pits and beard all linked into a single thick matted fur coat that was getting worse by the second. “BURRRRRRRRP” His gut forced a belch from him as it expanded another inch. Filling his shirt out to really complete his thick bear appearance. His gut only helped to secure his huge man status.

“I can’t-I need to sort this
who-and why, what did I-“ then it hit him. Those two men, the shisha, did they do this to him? He looked at his huge, thick hands and turned for the outside world again. He had to get there now, before this got any worse, and apologize, or whatever they asked. He needed his body back to how it was! Or his life was over. He ran back the way he’d come, a cloud of dust and flies starting to gather around him.

He arrived back at the market and ran past the place where his clothes had been taken, desperate to reach the two huge men from that morning. “FFFFFUUURURRRRRRRRRTRTTTTT!” His ass farted as his gut rumbled loudly, he had to slow down, his bulky body was too beefy to run smoothly now as his gut slapped around.

Next he pass the ally and the food stall where his shirt tore, a few lads on holiday in UK football shirts laughed and jeered as his hairy frame bust from his prison. “Oh no! It was an XXL?! I’M gonna be a freak! A damned stinking freak!” He tore it off and kept walking, his whole upper body now open to the baking sun. His tan darkened, his skin thickened, his feet swelled as his legs and arms thickened until he could almost barely walk. It was so uncomfortable, so hot, he’d do anything to stop and sit down. His balls were tight and sweaty, his body hurt and ached, and he was almost wet with sweat.

A large hand grabbed his side. “My friend you came back after all!” Aaron turned to see the massive Turks sat by the shisha. He’d made it! Aaron went to speak but saw that the dude that spoke English was smoking. “But-who-“ he half guessed ony for the second huge man to lean over. “Hey my Brother! You have had a good mornin yes!” and slapped him on the back, the bare skin contact have him a instant hard on. “But how can I-“ He began as the other huge dude exhaled the cloud of white smoke. “My friend, you  are not lost now? Sit!”

Aaron slowly did so. But his arms and chest were so hairy and thick that they pressed against each other, making him look comically rounded and muscled. Everything he hated, from the stink and hairy body to the beard and layers of uncomfortable fat and muscle.

“Your one of us now my brother” and handed him the pipe again. Aaron, or should I say, Amir reached out and took it. “I know my brother, I am sorry I got lost on way here, all these tourists” he took a long drag. Flies started to gather around the three of them as they slammed their fists together. The two agreeing to take Amir for wrestling later and get him settled. After all, he was going to need a job and place to stay now, he wasn’t going to be Aaron the online influencer ever again. Now all that was left was the huge Turkish bear Aamir, and he wasn’t going anywhere.


Alex Logan

Thanks for doing the Turk! So much better than the orc. Sorry orc fans