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A new story and more to come! Enjoy Part 1 of a new set of Patreon only stories for your kinky eyes only lads! Enjoy!


Wet, dragging his soaked clothes home from a failed drug deal on a park bench, Danny's life was a haze of weed smoke, cheap lagers, and aimless days spent on the worn-out couch in his dingy flat. Now heā€™d been in a fight, and was walking home in the rain. He had no job, no prospects, and no ambition beyond getting high and avoiding responsibility.

But tonight, a large man was watching from the shadows as Danny fumbled with his keys at his flats door. "Fuck sake..." he cursed as the door swung open at last he sat on his stained sofa. "Ugh, this sucks bruh-" As he reached for an unfinished joint in the ashtray. "- that guy man, deserved itā€¦im the big man here innitā€ As he lit the joint with a match on the table. As the match struck a swirl of green smoke appeared in the room. It twisted and twirled until it solidified into the form of a rotund muscled chav, descending to land on his feet in front of him. The genie. Gaz, as he introduced himself, stood forwards and laughed, smoking his own joint that materialized in his large hands.  

"Oi, Danny-boy!" Gaz boomed, his voice echoing through the cramped living room. "I'm Gaz the Genie, and I've got three wishes for you. You sounded like ya having a hard time bro, But beware, mate, wishes ain't always what they seem." Danny's bleary eyes widened. He'd heard stories about genies, but he'd always dismissed them as rubbish. Now here was one, standing right in front of him, belly hanging over his shimmering trousers.

"Three wishes?" Danny slurred, taking another drag from his spliff. "Alright, Gaz, let's 'ave it."

Gaz rubbed his bulbous nose. "First wish, Danny-boy. What'll it be?"

Danny's mind raced. Money? Nah, too obvious. Fame? Nah, too much hassle. Then it hit himā€”the one thing he'd always wanted: to be a big man. Not just any big man, mind you, but a proper bloke with muscles, swagger, and a booming voice that could command respect.

"Right, Gaz," Danny said, leaning forward. "I wish to be a big man. Like, massive. Bulging biceps, tree-trunk legs, the whole shebang."

Gaz grinned, revealing a gold tooth. "As you wish, Danny-boy."

And with a puff of smoke, Danny's transformation began. His skin stretched, muscles bulged, and hair sprouted from places he didn't know could grow hair. His belly rumbled and Danny knew something was very wrong. Slowly he looked down in horror. ā€œW-wait, stop, this isnt-ā€ But was cut off as his face exploded into a full beard. Within minutes, his gut was a solid ball, his arm bulked so he couldn't touch his head as his biceps bunched up. His cock became thick, like a log, too big to use or feel properly as his balls followed after. Expanding and swelling till they hung painfully heavy in their new leather sack. His legs began to be pushed apart, his own body crushing his balls and cock forwards so theyā€™d always bulge outwards. His head became round with fat and muscle, his hair withdrew making him look older and bald. His tattoos grew larger and covered his arms and chest in bear paws and tribal lines. His balls were so full, he moaned ā€œW-WOOOOTS HAPPNā€ Before he began to leak, trying to reach down his hands didn't quite reach anymore around his brick like ball gut. ā€œN-No!ā€ He boomed, sweat and musk radiating off as he now looked like a freak from worlds strongest man, and one that didn't eat too good either. He stood before Gazā€”a hulking behemoth with a chest like a brick wall and thighs like oak trees.

"F-Fukā€¦.whatā€¦" Danny muttered, flexing his newfound biceps that were now restricting his movement slightly.  "I'm too big bruh, dis aintā€¦ā€ he rubbed his gut, it was like a car tyre, solid and slightly rubbery. He was reminded of dart players' huge guts. ā€œI cant even see ma feet tho!"But Gaz's laughter cut through the room. "You didn't specify what kind of big man, did ya? You're a builder now, Danny-boy. A proper ball-gutted one."

Danny looked down. His once-flat stomach now protruded like a beer barrel. His arms were thick, but his belly stole the showā€”a round, jiggling testament to his wish gone awry.

Danny whispered to himself in horror. "What've I done?" As he picked up a cigar that had appeared on the table. Without thinking he lit it. ā€œBut- I dont got a job, Im a dealerā€

Gaz clapped him on the back, nearly knocking him off his feet. "Don't fret, mate. That sounds like a second wish to meā€ as he clicked and before Danny could protest. Turning to shout something, the swirl of smoke passed over the room. Changing the dirty sofa into a destroyed on. His TV got smaller and beer can layered over the tables. Last was his clothes. They tore back revealing his stocky ball gut and thick arms. Hair over both shoulders, back and his front, joined together and wiry so it would be impossible to hide. Before a high vis jacket appeared on his wrists and grew up his arms. Bright yellow and stained with oil; and grime from years of work, stains from his sweaty pits, neck and back developed year old brown patches. Trousers were next, these were orange and again layered with muck, the zipper was broken meaning his junk pressed against the hole, revealing his red stained boxers. They did nothing to cover his ass, giving him a permanent plumbers crack. Finally a set of rank boots and dirty socks that had a cloud of sweat and stink drifting off them appeared by the door. Danny quickly had memories that those are the old shoes he now owns, and the only socks too. Speechess Danny saw the Logo forming over the chest ā€œHibark Scaffolding. ā€œWhat, no! I dont stink like this, I didn't want this take it back!ā€ Danny shouted nut all Gaz did was take a long drag of his joint ā€œWell your all set up now, check out ya work gear on you-ā€ As he patted his large gut, it barely moved before a section of the zipper gave way and his broke free, hanging out in front of him in a tight stained vest. He really looked the part now as his cock and balls rubbed together in their sweaty hairy prison.  You've got two more wishes. Use 'em wisely."

But Danny couldn't think beyond his gut. He lumbered to the wall to lean on, the floorboards creaking under his weight. PHis memories filled with images of people that stared as he waddled down the street, his belly leading the way. How heā€™d become a fixture at the local construction site. His mates called him "Big Hog," and he wore it like a badge of honor. But every night, as he nursed his aching back and rubbed his balding head, regret gnawed at him. Before he snapped back to reality, now 35, balding and muscled to the point of looking more like an ape than a man, he Burrped without any control to stop it and looked down at himself. 

"I should've wished for brains," he muttered. "Or a proper job, fuck you dude! You did this to me on purpose" Gaz grinned, watching the huge hulk trying to reach his balls to adjust them and failing,his belly resting on his balls constantly keeping his hard, with but with that fat coke can heā€™d likely never have sex again. His muscles had sagged, and his hair had vanished. He was a bald, fat builderā€”the very thing he'd never wanted to be. Gaz appeared beside him, puffing on a cigar. "Regret's a funny thing, Danny-boy. But chin up. You've got one wish left."

Danny sighed. "I wish for a proper life. You fucked me I want my old life back" He moaned trying to sit down and only managing to throw himself back,. The sofa groaned and something snapped from his weight as he did. He was too clumsy now to do anything carefully ā€œFUCK!ā€ Danny shouted louder as the whole sofa cracked and he sank down a few inches. 

Gaz winked. "Your old life is gone. You get one more chance Danny, or should I say Big Hog now?"

Big Hog sat, smoking his cigar, it was hard to think, his memories were a mess and all he wanted to do was wank, smoke and work the site. His balls ached from being squeezed by his own bulk. ā€œSo, whats ya third wish Big Hog?ā€

Hope ya enjoyed that! Part 2 will be next week as i have some video commissions and some other work to do first from the new tier and i have another story going up next week thats not part of this series :) 

PART 1 of 2


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