Video Diary and NSFW content (Patreon)
As promised new videos are now up on the G Drive. Links bellow. I'm currently sorting through it all as I want to have them in order or in files but they're all up.
I'm currently feeling like such a fat fuck
Went out today in my vest and felt like everyone was looking at my ball gut poking through. Almost have me a hard on haha. Got some sun and got a hair cut. The lad said my round face needed it haha ๐ท
So heres some pics and head to the GDrive for the latest Videos!
Not all are me naked wankingbutat least 1 is and I have a longer 11 min videos uploading now so keep an eye on the Gdrive as I'm always adding videos to it lads
Oink ๐๐๐ท