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My inking tablet died! For the past couple years I've sketched and inked comics on a Yiynova MSP19u tablet, which was bad for colors but GREAT for inking, but today it just decided to stop working! I spent all day trying to trouble shoot it, and if anything I just made things worse. I think maybe the driver is just out of date and yiynova doesn't have new ones. So I'm SOL! Luckily, I have a little second-hand wacom cintiq that I use to color pages, and it's not great for linework but it'll do until I figure out what the heck I'm gonna do.

Of course this happened when only two pages are left to draw! I hope the inking quality doesn't look too off, I don't THINK it looks too much different, but golly gee whiz does it feel bad to ink on this tablet.

Anyway! Here's the penultimate page of Obverse & Reverse! Wowee zowie! One page left to draw!




Oh no! Sorry to hear about your tablet! I have a Huion tablet that I really like, a kamvas 16 I think. I haven't tried any of the new Uber expensive Wacom tablets before but I hear the Huions are affordable alternatives. Good luck! It hurts to lose an 'old faithful' piece of hardware due to drivers no longer existing. When I was a teenager I got a scanner that I hauled around for nearly a decade before I could no longer get new drivers for, and when I emailed support asking if there were new drivers planned for that model they basically said "lol no, get a new scanner" I was so disappointed, by that point solo scanners didn't exist anymore and my only options were stupid scanner/printer/fax combos.

Jenifur Charne

Blast and damnation! Thoroughly frustrating timing for something to go wrong with your plans. :( I really hope your vacation goes smoothly Kory.


F in the chat for the tablet. At least it waited til the chapter was almost done? Silver lining?


I like my 16" Cintiq. (At least, it's better than my old 12" Cintiq other than missing all the customizable buttons and it was cheaper.) I'm leery of Yiynova and Huion for potential quality/durability/support issues.