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Michelle is SO tired.




Greg is going to lose his godamned mind. Michelle, coming back: ‘why is Greg’s head all bandaged?!’ Jim:he was freaking out in circles and ran into a wall


Okay, I’m a bit confused. 1. This is actually Page 71 of Chapter 7, not Page 70. 2. Where is the finished Page 71? All I see is this WIP page, and the finished Pages 70 & 72.


Yeah, I noticed that. But I don’t see the finished version of this page here on Patreon. I missed this page at first. Then I realized it’s the only version of this particular page visible via Patreon.


Omg did I forget to post it?? Oh no oops! It must have been because I finished this page early for VanCAF and then totally forgot to upload it. I’ll try to get that fixed asap!