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I got my pin banners in the mail and I wanted to let Patreon know about them before I told anyone else! I only have 35 Skin Deep ones and 15 Endlings for this first run. I think these came out really well, and if you have a ton of Skin Deep pins already, they're a great way to display them!





The link there went a little wonky—it duplicates the URL and returns an error. So you can either copy the link text and paste that in, or you can click the link and then delete out the second https... part. Just for anyone who runs into an issue!

Jenifur Charne

Kory, did you get any pins made with ring loops on the front, for attaching the Pathtag Medallions to, for display on the banners?


Honestly I don’t even know how I would do that! A safety pin would probably work, but as I’m not actively making the pathtags anymore, making an accessory that would probably cost just as much as the pathtag itself doesn’t seem very consumer-friendly.

Jenifur Charne

Thanks Kory. I honestly had not thought of something simple like a safety pin. What I was thinking of, is sort of an oversized sleeper earring stud, standard pin and clasp on the back, rounded cylindrical head, about the same size as those round deluxe pin clasps, and a wire jewellery ring soldered to the front. Then just hook the wire ring on the Pathtag medallions through that ring on the pin.


That was an instant impulse buy . . .