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Oh no i hope the other dragons aren't being convinced by Mr Debate Team over here.




I think Dis Pater needs some new glasses if he can't see any differences here. 😂

Vinnie Simonetti

(small water spray bottle) down boy, down.


This guy! D:

Jenifur Charne

It's not that he can't or won't see them. It's that he doesn't _want_ any differences _to be seen_, because knowledge of them would undermine his desperate grasp on Authority. Remember how he verbally blasted Nudelschlange on page 10 over her suggestion on page 9, and how on page 11 he made it clear to Michelle that she has no say in this. And now, as a play, he's trying to twist Michelle into either handing herself over to the Demons, or forcing her to say she'll make Medallions for ALL dragons. That last, when it's clear some dragons, by their behaviour and attitude, should never be let near Medallions.


She already offered to make Medallions though and he shunted that idea pretty hard. He didn't even acknowledge the stark difference between her and the earlier sphinxes. Methinks he's just out to make the last Sphinx suffer.