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Apparently you can now pay annually instead of monthly for your patron pledge! I know some of you have been patrons of mine for a long time, and now if you want to switch between monthly and annually, you can get a 10% discount! I think that's how it works! 

Anyway I just wanted to let y'all know of this new option!



When I can save up the money to swap over, I may just take that option. Lump sum payments are nice and easy to keep track of.

Ali Grotkowski

Thanks for pointing this out! It looks like you're one of only two of the people I patronize that offer this option but I may just take you both up on the offer in the coming weeks/months.

Vinnie Simonetti

I'll have to check this out, though the tier I'm in is closed so I can't change anything now. Edit: managing memberships makes it possible, though it only applies to tier costs. So if you want to be generous to a creator and give more then the tier requests (but less then the next tier), it won't let you do annual. Edit 2: nevermind, the "specify your own amount" works for annual, but you specify it at an annual rate.

Vinnie Simonetti

I saw I could change it from "managing memberships", so even if it's closed now, I can still do the change to annual if I wanted.

Jenifur Charne

While it would be nice to do, for me the annual payment is messier for me to figure out, and for Kory to deal with, as I'm paying a bit extra every month to try to help cover the pin postage US to AU. So I have to figure out how much to increase my pledge by to negate that 10% discount, and then Kory would have to keep track of the extra, over the year for pin postage. Messy, cumbersome, and not fun.