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Would you believe that it took me over 10 years to finally come up with a design for the Father/Dis Pater? I've been putting it off for ages because I wanted to make sure it was a cool dragon design, but it got to the point where I got too nervous about making it Good that I just Didn't Do It. Anyway here's the last survivor of the Great War, the Father of all Dragons, Dis Pater.

In the end it came together once I decided to base him off the Armenian Vishap, a river dragon. All the stones in the past couple pages are called Vishapakar, and I liked the "curly horns that cross over the face" look that a lot of Vishapakar have on them. I wanted a "classic" looking dragon but also memorable, so I thought a river dragon would be a nice way to do that. He's a bit of a gharial, a bit of a vampire bat, and a bit of a sea snake, and a whole lot of a bastard.




You really knocked it out of the park with this one. A figure that's been lurking in the background all this time could have been disappointing to finally see him, so I don't blame you for being nervous! But he's perfect and menacing and I already know I will love to hate him.


Hey! There he is! I didn’t have to wait long at all to see him (after just saying on the comic that I couldn’t wait to see him)!