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You asked and you shall receive!

This is the extended version, for sync up purposes :)


Lord of the Rings (Fellowship of the Ring) Full/Watch Along


Eric Wallace

You've got to start putting a sync up timer and then just blurring and silence the movie on your full length reactions.

Andrew Roach

I am new here and this is my first reaction of yours I am watching and I have to complain sadly about how difficult it is to sync to your video. 1 always show the opening logos to allow us to sync, this video starts with a blank screen. 2 please don't play sound, I can't speak for others but I can never get a perfect sync with a reactor's video, I am always off by at least a second fast or slow. Now that doesn't matter for reactions but when you play sound it creates a nasty echo effect with the two separate sounds clashing against each other. 3 I have watched and follow many reactors and 95+% keep the movie on screen the whole time, blurred and with no sound. This allows us to spot check from time to time to see if we are still in sync. Anyway on to the reaction which looks to be great having skimmed your YouTube vid, and Merry Christmas Hohoho...