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Sorry for the severe lack of posts! I basically couldn't draw at all this month. Payments are paused for the next month for catch-up.

Luckily I have gotten a decent amount of work on LyLaD done but it's mostly systems type stuff again. There's an updated ledger menu for viewing various character parameters in close detail.

Part of this effort was making a way for states to automatically manipulate parameters on apply, and to track the changes they make. This allows for you to check a parameter in the ledger and see exactly what states are buffing it or debuffing it.
This was then expanded into giving tooltips to entries in the status menu, showing their exact effects.
Basically, virtually all kinds of Lilya's stats can now be manipulated directly while keeping track of them. Ranging from big picture stuff like her attributes and skills to fine details like crit rate, or how easily she may gain weight or become bloated. 

When it comes to major parameters, manipulation is split into: Reduce, drain, damage, fortify, and alter. Reduce and damage debuff a parameter, but can be undone by restoring the parameters. Reduce lasts for the duration of an effect, while damage is permanent until restored. Drain last for the duration of an effect, but cannot be restored. Fortify constitutes any buff sourced from an effect. Alter is just any change applied to the base, original value of the parameters.

Mainly the goal of all this is to add more functionality with parameters for me to play around with, and to then improve the readability of all this information so that the player isn't completely in the dark. But it's also led me to tear out some old ways of doing things and replace them with new, more efficient methods that have improved optimization. (Because beforehand I was just spamming evaluations to keep non-vanilla parameters up to date, but now they update themselves when called upon, which is what I should've done in the first place.) This does, however, mean that some work needs to be done updating a lot of mechanics to work off this new system rather than the old one.

For non-LyLaD stuff, I still really want to get the NGO sequence done soon. It will once again have to be my main target. Now my goal is to get it done in time to post publicly for the game's anniversary. Then I'll go back to the body swap sequence.
Also next month, I want to draw a few LyLaD character designs I haven't put to paper yet, then take them and some of the other LyLaD characters I haven't drawn fat yet and put them into a poll.



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