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I worked on LyLaD instead of drawing. Oops. But now I'm nearing the end of the mechanical work. After perks and curses are done there will be more to show with a bit more regularity, as I'll be moving on to character art, sprites, map/room art, scene writing, etc. (Some sketches of new characters are included above.)

What was done:

Crossbow functionality and moveset were implemented. You can switch between bolts that have different strengths or effects.

Damage formulas were standardized for easier overall editing/balancing.

Counterattack mechanic added. Equips, buffs, perks can add to chance to retaliate against enemy attacks.

Special scrolls were added that when used can warn you about traps or secrets.

All potions, potion effects, and their side effects have been implemented. Every potion type has a unique side effect.

Potion addiction and temptation implemented. When Lilya drinks a potion her affinity towards that type increases. Based on said affinity and Lilya's Greed, Lilya can be tempted to drink another potion of the same type after drinking one. This can lead to harsher side effects that are caused by drinking one type of potion repeatedly. Lilya will also refuse to drink a potion if its effect isn't needed, but this can be circumvented if she becomes tempted instead.

You can view some examples of the above potion mechanics: Here, Here, and Here.

By the way you can ask anonymous questions about the game here: https://retrospring.net/@orristerioso 




So, not really related to the mechanics discussed here but I was wondering if you had a 'tent' like item planned. Something players can use out in a dungeon for a full heal of hp/mp but usually were really expensive. Could probably make a version that works with the wg concept too I suppose. Allow the player to take a nap, get full health, and then apply a drawback like weight gain or increased greed.


That role is largely relegated to healing items already, food or potions. The better the healing or MP restore, the more filling and fattening the item is.