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First real section of map in the game is in an effectively finished state, just lacking some polish (map graphic, check and enemy balancing, text script edits). Ended up going through with this approach, instead of meticulously going through a lot of other yet-to-be relevant systems, just so I could see if everything that is currently made works when put into place. The answer then being that yes, it does work. 

This has let me know what the pipeline is for individual map implementation. Since certain features had to be made during the creation of this new map it took more time, but future maps and areas will be able to work off what was laid out here. I predict that basic functionality (fog of war, connections b/n dots, skill checks, etc.) will take much less time to create for each map as time goes on and writing will become the larger deciding factor for time and effort required. That too is good news, since I wrote and added in the script for this map in only about two days, and that's with a bit of bloat that still needs trimming down.

The only thing currently missing from these maps are scripts for loss scenes (mainly to adipodes), and also the full intro.

All possible enemy encounters are implemented, including their sprites (shown above), their moves, and how they prioritize these different moves.

Other major additions made during this time:

-Player-side skill/attribute checks, the player can use special actions from the menu on specific dots without being prompted by the text. This allows for secrets and puzzles that rely on the player's intuition rather than giving prompts for every obstacle. These include 'inspect' for perception checks, 'force' for strength checks, 'tinker' for machines or mechanical traps. There's also a 'sneak' ability for lowering encounter rates based on your stealth skill, while also granting a chance to ambush enemies. More might be added. Lockpicking and dispelling also operate similarly, but only through items that you can lose/break (and these existed already).

-Skill functionality for most skills done. Effects of skill level on relevant game mechanics are largely put in place for all skills that have such effects (weapon skills for weapon dmg, evasion -> dodge, crit strike -> crit rate, stealth -> sneak ability, lucid intuition -> passive detection/hints, resolve -> guard, guts -> struggle/resist success). Other skills primarily function based off of skill checks and/or through perks that aren't implemented yet. Only skills that lack functionality completely are Magic Device (no scrolls or magic items yet), Casting (spells not added yet, no spellbook), and Dream Synchronicity.

-Updated menu screen, the player can change the information displayed in the main menu. This allows for easier access to parameters like the main six attributes, your skill levels, and highly specific information such as guard effectiveness, accuracy, dodge rate, crit rate, crit dmg, etc.

-Equipment effects are expanded beyond just defense/threshold values. Most are vanilla (ie stuff like altering max HP or crit rate), but some of the implementation had to account for other effects on these values (such as dodge rate also being derived from the evasion skill), while others had to be recreated from scratch. This combined with the more readily available parameter display (listed above) means you can fiddle with parameters through equips in order finetune for your build or for a specific challenge. Equipment can also have negative side effects, so when it comes to choosing what to use there may be some added risk for more powerful equips. Cursed equipment is also planned, but not yet implemented.

-Map-based loss scenes. Not all enemies have dedicated scenes when losing to them, or simply don't have any fetishistic intentions. However this doesn't mean Lilya is completely safe when you lose to them, as depending on the map ie which other enemies can be found in the area, she can end up getting dropped on by enemies that do have bad intentions before she recovers. Certain enemies will also specifically leave Lilya to be caught by other enemies after defeating her, making it a 100% chance that a random loss scene will occur.

-Trap detection, disarmament, and evasion. Though there aren't any in this first map, I did have one temporarily to test it out. Traps must first be detected before they can be disabled. This occurs automatically right before a trap may be triggered, but it is usually a difficult check to pass. Otherwise the 'inspect' action can be used where you suspect there may be a trap for an easier chance. Some traps can be 'disabled' by simply detecting them (as in they are easily avoided when known), but most real traps don't fall into this category and require either a mechanics or dispelling skill check to disarm the trap. If a trap does get triggered then there is still a chance to escape it or minimize its effect with enough evasion skill and luck.

-Mulling Points, a secondary type of experience, are able to gained gradually through winning encounters and passing checks. When mulling points reach a threshold every 100 points, the mulling count goes up (present as a star beside the clock) and will be cashed in for bonus skill points when resting at a safe area or entering a safe zone. Mulling points reset under the same conditions, but the threshold does not, going up 100 points every time it is met. In order to accrue mulling counts for extra skill points, you must do as much as you can in an area before you return to safety.

-Composure is a parameter that puts a value on how collected and confident Lilya is. It is bolstered by the Pride sin, but also naturally grows with victories and skill checks. The higher composure is, the greater the chance that Lilya is able to 'bluff' a skill check that she would otherwise fail, so long as her skill level isn't completely off the mark. However this can also work in reverse. If Lilya's composure drops into the negatives due to embarrassing events or statuses, then Lilya can 'blunder' the skill check and fail even when she'd normally pass.



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