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Ended up putting too much work into LyLaD the past few days so I sunk cost'd myself into making this quick showcase of the lockpicking system with an example of a bloating trap instead of drawing (or writing the adipode loss scene, though this was a good warmup). View here: https://files.catbox.moe/x719ui.webm 

This is an example of what plenty of the more text-oriented scenes will be like, although I haven't branched out into finding good sound effects yet to supplement them (these are stock assets). In this case the scene is more oriented towards bloating than weight gain, but I'm sure you can easily imagine how the same scenario could play out with a fatty twist. Traps like that will be a given. Bloating is a parameter that sort of works in tandem with and similarly to fullness, being a catalyst for burping and belly noises and stuff like that. The systems for those bloating events haven't been implemented yet (different intensities and different reactions are planned) so what's seen here is more of a mockup in that regard. The lockpicking framework is basically done though, same with traps. You can see it in action again on my gamedev account: https://twitter.com/OrriGame/status/1566856331541233669 

Traps, and failed 'skill checks' in general, will be roughly the second biggest contributor to Lilya's changes throughout the game. In this case: failing to find a way to circumvent the trap, choosing to open the chest anyway, failing to evade the trap when it was sprung, these errors pile up and leave her worse for wear. With the right build, this could easily be taken care of, but at the same time there's not any build that will have the solution to everything, so somewhere, at some point, something will inevitably catch the player off guard even if they're trying their best (or that's the plan at least).




Saw the post on twitter. Looked really cool! Keep up the awesome work!