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Exclusive poll for January, for sequels/continuations of old art pieces.

The deadline for character suggestions has closed. This poll will end in 5 days.

Read the scenarios below first before voting.

Rushia & Marine - Rushia has gotten even fatter. Marine teases her for it, but Rushia puts a curse on her that makes her just as big. 

Original: https://files.catbox.moe/ncdxrz.png 

Tohsaka Rin- To free herself from the accursed door frame, Rin uses magic instead of letting Saber and Shirou help. She succeeds... by accidentally bloating herself up and destroying her constraints with her new girth. 

Original: https://www.patreon.com/posts/tohsoka-rin-53078881

Rosemi- When was the last time she touched Ring Fit? Rosemi's work out routine has utterly failed, and her diet has only gotten worse in the last few months... 

Original: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92759181 

Fubuki- Fubuki gets much bigger and milkier after being promoted from fox to cow. 

Original: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88780610 

Lamy & Botan- Out on a date, Lamy fills up her beer gut with beer and becomes a bad influence on Botan's diet. 

Original: https://twitter.com/orristerioso/status/1366561965712306176 (+ all the other beer gut Lamy drawings)



Choosing between Maririn and Rin is quite the challenge...


Let’s go Wosemi-sama!


Would love to see the other holomem scenarios eventually but i gotta go with marine and rushia


Choosing between Rushia/Marine and Rin you’re putting me between a rock and a hard place... or two very equally soft places.