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Characters: https://imgur.com/a/foZsWXJ 

Adelynn is a witch who specializes in curses. She's callous and apathetic. Sometimes her magic goes awry, but she hardly cares if she ends up on the receiving end. However, if she can make money off of something she will.

Nelsine is a former knightess, now a waitress at a restaurant working off her debt to her employer. She's reckless, but always tries to uphold her honor and pride. Naturally a big eater, but nowadays she doesn't get much exercise.

Aldea is an accomplished alchemist who runs a potion shop. She looks stoic, but in actuality is somewhat awkward. She's looking for rare ingredients to concoct a special potion for her sister.

Lely is the assistant of a strange antiquarian. A bit clumsy and also, despite appearances, a little brash. They tend to come into contact with old magical artifacts that don't like being mishandled.

Myla is a princess turned explorer. She's energetic, brave, strong, and very pushy. Despite everything, she tends to get into compromising situations quite often, and she has a greedy side that she can't always control. (You should know her already.)



When does the poll end?


Probably November 4th, didn't want to set one yet since I want to let any new patrons in November vote.