[Early Access] [B] - Universal Nature 01 (Patreon)
Mother nature always finds a way, ey?
Caution! This is an early access version!
Downloads attached to the bottom of the post
Release Commentary:
There are some assets (mostly nature I guess), that have a universal nature and aren't really attached to any theme. Could exist as much in a modern scenario as well as in a sci-fi or post-apocalypse one. So hence the idea to create the Universal category.
Now, this pack is one big experiment in many areas. It is currently very messy, so be wary when using it. The biggest aspect we wanted to test here is the removal of black line art for certain assets. The logic being, outlines tend to make an object pop, but sometimes you want stuff to meld into the background (e.g. certain elements of nature).
I originally wanted to release a line art version for comparison, but I thought against it as familiarity bias would kick-in immediately. I need to test this out myself thoroughly to see where it fails and where it succeeds if anywhere. When exporting, I (Pu) liked the black line art version more, but did see the theoretical merits of the above experimental point. However, there's something about the lack of line art that makes creating variations far more difficult, you'll notice there are no colorable's here and at most 1 extra variation for the assets.
Either way, we'd be super glad to hear from you as to what aspects you hate and what you liked. Ideally the latter :D
Toodaloo, and apologies for not making this one a feature-complete release. Sometimes experimentation must happen in the name of science (art)!