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Time to do a little business, he he he....
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Release Commentary:
The Cyberpunk Interiors 3 (2 is the bars pack, need to rename...), this time going for the ripper doc theme. Lots of cybernetic body parts for your dismembering fetishes!
While the parts may seem like they're supposed to go together, they're just random body parts. This isn't a make-your-own-robot pack, so naturally they don't join in the most perfect way.

I'm still trying to find the perfect balance of variations and I think 3 is a good number to stick to. 2 color variations and 1 colorable. That way they look real neat in DD. Granted, there are still some things that don't really need a variation (or maybe they do, you tell me...)

Another little problem we're still kinda mulling over is scale. Sometimes you can get things perfect accurate i.e. a bottle that is exactly 15-20cm wide. But then there are only so many pixels you can work with. So generally, we try to make some things just a little bit bigger than the real life example. Some things I notice are best done perfectly to scale, i.e. furniture.

2023/04/25 - Super small glow fix
- Fixed ...Monitor_10_Colorable to not having its glow allowing for customization.
- Fixed naming for a a glow effect set



Simon 'Landmine'

Yep, I agree that furniture and larger items need to be to scale. The smaller 'table dressing' props can be slightly larger, though. I do appreciate your efforts to keep things to scale, though - they do make the maps look so much better.


Yea, I find smaller items can get away with being a little bigger (e.g. forks, bottles) or abstract items (pillars, machine rigging, etc..). But most items, especially ones we're used to seeing in our daily life better be to scale. Unfortunately, we didn't quite adhere to this principle perfectly in many of our previous packs, but 'tis a learning process.

Simon 'Landmine'

So many learning processes! At least you didn't create the "eight foot Glock" I found in someone else's pack!

Simon 'Landmine'

Are there going to be any 'cold storage' organs or other parts for those organlegging ripperdocs?


You had me double-checking our weapons packs there :D I think we do have a few assets there that are definitely too big. (that Tec-9 and Handgun 16 come to mind...) But most of them seem to be good. Our AK is almost perfect dimension wise :D


It did cross my mind to add organic parts (i.e. heart/liver/brain in a jar) but alas the pack would've been delayed by a bit if I decided to add those. We'll have to fit them in another pack. :'(