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Starting from next month, I will conduct a voting round for characters at the beginning of each month to decide the subsequent works. Characters are called for through sponsor requests, and the top 2 characters will be made based on the results of the voting. Please take an active part in the voting!

After becoming my Super Super Supporter, you can get a chance to send a character request, limited to once a month. Please send me your character request by PM or by commenting under the character collection post. In addition to telling me the work, character name you would like me to make, you will also need to tell me which costume you would like me to make.

If the character is not selected in this month, it will go on to the next month's poll for another election, with each character having 2 chances to be elected.

Poll will be a free public vote, and anyone can get involved in.

Here's an example. There are 6 sponsors sending me requests in October, so I will do a poll in early November, and the poll will last for a week. If A and D top two of the voting, I will start working on A and D as soon as the voting is over and make sure they are finished by next month. If B, C, E, and F fail to be chosen. So if I get a request for AA BB CC DD characters in the following November, I'll add B, C, E, and F to the poll in early December, which means AA, BB, CC, DD, B, C, E, and  F enter the pool.






10月には6人のスポンサーからリクエストが送られてきましたので、11月の初めに1週間投票する予定です。最後にAとDが投票数の上位2位を取りました。私は投票が終わった後すぐにAとDの制作を始め、来月までにこの2つの作品を完成させるようにします。B C E Fが落選すると、その後11月にAA BB CC DDの役の依頼を受けた場合、B C E Fが12月初めに投票することに加えてAA BB CC DD B C E Fが投票プールに入ることになります。

從下個月開始,在每月初將會進行一輪角色投票决定後續的作品,角色是通過贊助者的請求來徵集的,最終會根據投票的結果來製作前2名的角色。 請各位能够積極參與投票!

在成為我的SSS之後,可以得到一次發送角色請求的機會,每月限一次。 請通過PM或在角色徵集帖下評論的管道來向我發送你的角色請求。 除了告訴我作品,角色名稱外,還需要告訴我你想要製作的服裝。



舉個例子。 十月份一共有6名贊助者向我發送了請求,所以我會在十一月初進行一次poll,投票時間為一周。 最後A和D取得了投票數前二,我將會在投票結束後立即開始A和D的製作,並確保在下個月之前完成這兩個作品。 B C E F沒有被選中,那麼如果在之後的十一月我收到了AA BB CC DD的角色請求的話,就會加上B C E F在十二月月初進行poll也就是AA BB CC DD B C E F進入投票池。


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