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For the first time ever Billy and Kefin are joining forces for the Patreon Q&A! It’s a Christmas miracle!

Drop your questions, stuff, things and eggs in the comments below!



Gavin W Niven

Merry early Christmas lads and thank you as always for the awesome content! As someone who unashamedly loves me a bad Christmas themed wrestling show I got to thinking about wrestlecrap moments in general that I genuinely love and will defend until the end of time. One of them being the almighty, cheddary glory that is Chester McCheeserton at WrestleMania 2000! What are some of your favourite crap moments in wrestling that you can’t help but love?

Jordan Freeman

Hey Captain and baddest Man on the planet. Hope you guys are doing well and have a wonderful holiday. I was wondering if you guys ever had a favorite wrestling game to play during the holiday season?