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It’s the go-home show for Royal Rumble 2001!
Triple H has a new muscle powder he wants to shill, Stone Cold left his pants at home and Stephanie takes her frustrations with Trish out on the hummus! Oh and also, Kane & Undertaker..... whose side are they on?!



Mike Everest

Absolutely sidewindered me with Kevintage Kelly. Brilliant.


I’m pretty sure the Undertaker and Kane fully team up during the rumble itself!

The Mu

Just listening to the first twenty minutes, Adam has to make a video on the Triple H commercial.


here in the states peacock doesn’t have the old smackdowns up yet so for the time being it sucks not being able to watch along :( great episode as always though!

Ryan Hald

Talking about the head trauma The Dudleys had gone through was upsetting to think about. You also have to take into consideration the damage they took in ECW too. Sickening really. That said they’re one of my all-time favorites. The commentary of Triple H was hilarious as usual.

Barbarian Badger

Yeah I have no clue when they will scrub through all those SmackDowns. I'm not sure how much of a priority for them it is. I agree with Adam though erasing all the problematic stuff is just going to make WWE act like they did nothing wrong in the first place. They are getting off so easy for all the terrible crap they have done. The never really censured themselves before and now another company is doing it for them, they must love it.


Love the Scott Pilgrim bit finishes up with Adam's best Bob Holly impression. Whatever, who cares!


Idk if this is recent editing but Taz got his whole entrance edited out on the 2001 Royal rumble it black screens the cut to Kane throwing home out ???? I watched it with you lads playing in the background