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Happy New Year!! We're starting off strong with a little bit of TXT. Now ima be frank - we didn't do as much commentary on this album listen because ... we were too busy dancing!! 

Literally, I was laughing SO HARD during this edit because we were basically jamming along the entire time! There's just something about their music, it's so good! Surprising. Twist and turns. And rock. And unexpected r&b. And then a club hit. And heartfelt ballads for MOAs. And then more jams!! 

Literally, just us dancing and jamming and air drumming and (as Allison would call it) "white girl dancing" - and LOTS of singing along. I mean, can you blame us?? 

We did a few TXT reactions awhile back and so it's nice to already be fans of certain songs. So that now we can enjoy their special performances at Lolla and the VMAs and at Studio Choom. It's kind of nice doing the album listen this way! 

I'm so glad we decided to do this one. It was in the voting poll awhile back and came straggling behind the others. But I still wanted to give it a chance because honestly, I'm a fan! 

Anyways, enjoy the vid!! And Happy MLK Day!

뛰어갈 수 없음 걸어
If you can’t run, then walk

Today we will survive

걸어갈 수 없음 기어
If you can’t walk, then crawl

기어서라도 gear up [gieoseolado gear up]
Even if you have to crawl, gear up

겨눠 총! 조준! 발사!
Ready! Aim! Fire!

- "Not Today" by BTS

Inspired by one of the famous quotes by Martin Luther King Jr., “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” 

I hope today serves as a reminder to keep pressing forward, no matter what. And that we find strength from leaning on each other, so that we can work towards a better world. 




Lisa M T

I love the more ROCK songs TXT does.

Joanne Garcia

I love it so much!! Literally just rockin' out ... one of my favorite things. And so unexpected within k-pop. Sometimes I forget and then am pleasantly surprised!!


TXT has one of my ULT songs of all time. Like not of just k-pop but of all music in 0X1 = Lovesong. That song, that video, everything about it is like the "I NEED YOU" moment for BTS. It's the moment I fell for TXT as a group and became Moa. I can listen to that song anytime anywhere and instantly feel both nostalgic for my early 20s and happy to be alive. I know both you and Allison enjoy movies, and I'm not sure if I can express this well but here goes--- That song makes me feel like the moment in Perks of Being a Wallflower when Bowie's Heroes plays and they drive through the tunnel at night. "I Feel Infinite."


I have a small love affair with Soobin's hair. I love it in all colors, but when it's dark and so healthy and shiny...it should have its own fandom. DURING their Lolla set I couldn't get over how bouncy and perfect it looked even while they were soaked with sweat and rain.


Deep Down is my favorite track on this album followed by Growing Pains. It reminds me a little of Beiber's "Where Are U Now" with Skrillex and Diplo in vibe. The soft verses and then the bouncy drop with they synths.

Joanne Garcia

Love Song and Loser Lover are like two of my ALL TIME fav songs. Seriously fell hard for TXT after hearing those two. It just reminded me of all the alt rock that I took in back when. It's SO GOOD!! I actually only seen Perks once and barely remember it. Maybe I should watch it again. I'm pretty sure Allison has seen it a million times or something.

Joanne Garcia

I literally went straight to the clip of Lolla and intentionally watched Soobin's bouncy hair!! I love Soobins dimples :)