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I posted this earlier today on my Instagram and have already shared it with YouTube. So this is a public post. But I basically wanted to jump on here and kind of give it more space to breathe a little. 

I'm not sure if/how long some of y'all have been with our channel but you may have heard us reference Elaine a lot. She is one of my oldest friends and actually the original co-host of K-Pop Crash Course. This channel was never my idea - it was always Elaine's idea. Somehow I just got reeled into it. 

But she started the channel at first with Cheyenne. And then eventually Chey wanted to leave. Then I stepped in. And then KPCC was born with E + Jo. There's a bunch of videos on our channel that you can binge if you want. You can follow her down her entire k-pop journey. She definitely brought in more of the musical aspect to the reaction. I loved having her insight on that world that I had no clue about ... it was really cool. 

In short, Elaine was really sick. We announced it on the channel. She stepped away to focus on her health and Allison came on as temp-host. We had always hoped she'd get better enough and that we'd all get to go to Korea together. But that wasn't really in the cards and so she died one year ago today.

And as much as the days leading up to that were of her at her weakest, I want to remember her like this. Joyful and dancing. Very much into BTS. 

I know this video is a little random but I hope it brings you some joy. We keep this channel going in honor of Elaine. And I just thought it'd be nice to share a little bit about her here in case some of you didn't know who she was. 

She was an incredible singer/songwriter who got really into k-pop / k-dramas / k-culture type stuff during the pandemic. She somehow conned me into starting a reaction channel with her but I'm so happy she did because now I have all these memories with her on camera. And she was one of my closest friends.

We miss you, E! 




It’s been one full year since Elaine passed. And so I wanted to pull some of my favorite memories of her to share - just some random BTS clips of her being happy and joyful and dancing. Hopefully it’ll bring a smile to your face as you remember her. We miss you E! 💜💜☺️☺️


Lisa M T

I wish I had known of the channel before her illness took hold of her. Unfortunately I remember her in pain and irritable with it. Which is totally understandable. I will have to look back at the oldest ones.


i'm sorry for the loss of your friend

Joanne Garcia

I have a playlist on our channel that's the complete k-pop journey for Elaine - it's in chronological order from when she started it with Chey. After a handful of videos, I jumped on and gave her a crash course on BTS before the LA shows. That's when we changed the name of our channel from "E + Chey React" to "K-Pop Crash Course" Here is the link to the playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwSBOKlfAej87XHLqDDBSn9VS5nO5wll2&si=ZDA7S4FmUb5G9_PZ Some of my favorites are the Black Swan reaction and the Ddaeng one. Or the bonus vids we did with Allison on her first time on the channel (Black Swan/Save Me and How You Like That). Earlier in the channel, she was feeling pretty ok and had the tumor in check. It's just things got really bad after awhile. If you have time, that'd be awesome if you can check those out.

Joanne Garcia

Thank you. It was a tough week and I think it hit me harder than I thought it would ... but I'm ok. It was just nice to pause a bit to remember her and how much I loved being her roommate. 🤍🤍