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Hi everyone!

I just wanted to hop on here to say hello but also I'm sorry. Which I feel like is a line that I see in k-dramas a lot.

Or maybe it's "thank you and I'm sorry" - which also rings true here. Thank you for being our amazing Patrons and also for being so incredibly patient during this time. Allison has been at camps all summer and has only been able to come to LA every so often to shoot. And so my production schedule just keeps getting pushed back.

It's been nice to go through these archives and give you something. Wow, I literally have the most random footage ever but it was fun to share some k-drama moments.

I have other people who want to be guests on the channel and I'm not sure if I should wait on her or just go ahead and schedule it. Or if I should just watch and react by myself. But this is where I am right now. Allison said she's not able to come back until next week and so it'll be a little while longer til we can shoot

Anyways, I just wanted to be more honest with you. This is what I have from the archives that I want to queue up for you:

  • BINGING ON BEEF THE PODCAST - a completely random podcast series where Allison and I do ten-minute podcast episodes after our one-day binge on the Netflix show Beef (I know this has nothing to do with K-Pop but we were in the moment and we want to share our random thoughts with the world)
  • LOOKING FOR MY OPPA - A song that Elaine and her songwriting buddies wrote; it was inspired by her love for k-dramas
  • FUN TIMES AT KPCC HQ’S - just random moments of me and Allison in LA
  • KOREA VLOGS - I’m going to start cutting these so you can have a peek at my trip last September!

This is what I have for our upcoming reaction session for when we film next (I'm not sure what we'll actually get through but it's basically a wish list):

(if you have new suggestions we should add, take off, or bump up on the list, let me know!)


Lisa M T

Yay Ateez!!! Good choices of MV's to start with looking at an older MV and their most recent is fun. The episode of Jolly with Hongjoong and San is hysterical... I cannot wait for these!


This looks like a really AMAZING list. I'm here for the long haul, so whenever you are able to film, I will enjoy it. I don't want to pressure you to run your channel or content in a specific way. It is your channel and your content, I'm just happy to enjoy some shows/videos/experiences along with y'all. I would LOVE for Allison to react to the SEVENTEEN content especially, but mostly because of the reaction she had to them in your current reactions. Hearing her say they were possibly a favorite group made me excited to see her experience more of them. I know schedules can be difficult to match up with friends (I mean I play D&D with 3 different groups and we've gone MONTHS without meeting before). If it doesn't work out, I'll understand =) I appreciate that you are checking in with us, and I also appreciate that you want to grow your channel and content. I just want you to remember to keep it fun for YOU and whoever you invite to react with you, because that is what translates to the viewers. I love watching someone else experience something that I love. Thanks for being considerate of us (your Patrons) and I hope that we all will be considerate of you guys too!

Joanne Garcia

I seriously love watching the MV's and then like variety show / youtube content afterward. It really humanizes them ... (is that a word) ... and just makes idols much more real and relatable. JOLLY is one of my fav channels and I'm ALL ABOUT watching them eat fish & chips with the guys!!

Joanne Garcia

I didn't get to say this two weeks ago but all your comments meant so much to me! Thank you so much!!