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So a post went out that wasn't supposed to yet. It was the "Binging On Beef" Podcast episode. Which I still am not sure if I'm going to release in full because it's not quite on brand with K-Pop Crash Course. 

It's literally just me and Allison being impromptu after binging "Beef" in one sitting and pretending we have a podcast. Hahaha. I thought I saved it under drafts but apparently I scheduled it. Whoops! 

If you got it and decided to watch it, that's fine. But I just deleted it just now. I might end up editing all five episodes and releasing them as a whole because it's still really interesting. But I'm sorry that it went out without a real explanation or whatnot. 

I do have a reaction to "Itaewon Class" coming today though. And that's more up the k-drama alley. 

I hope you like it. Even though it's off-the-clock. It's archival footage but it's still hilarious. I'll have it up later today. 

Ok bye!



Faery (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-28 10:02:34 You had mentioned the Beef content before so I assumed you popped it is as a bonus/filler while you are waiting on Allison's packed schedule to clear up a little. <3 I hadn't gotten to watch it yet, but I get around to all ya'lls content eventually =) Looking forward to more chaos and giggly reactions interspersed with deep moments of reflection. <3
2023-07-26 17:36:03 You had mentioned the Beef content before so I assumed you popped it is as a bonus/filler while you are waiting on Allison's packed schedule to clear up a little. <3 I hadn't gotten to watch it yet, but I get around to all ya'lls content eventually =) Looking forward to more chaos and giggly reactions interspersed with deep moments of reflection. <3

You had mentioned the Beef content before so I assumed you popped it is as a bonus/filler while you are waiting on Allison's packed schedule to clear up a little. <3 I hadn't gotten to watch it yet, but I get around to all ya'lls content eventually =) Looking forward to more chaos and giggly reactions interspersed with deep moments of reflection. <3

Joanne Garcia

Hi! Yeah ... so I did want to post it eventually but when I was editing it, I was like - this is still adjacent to what we do on KPCC but it's also not. Tbh we were sooooooo incredibly blown away by the writing and the production of BEEF that we seriously just did an impromptu voice memo podcast thing as we binged the series. Like we both pulled out our phones and started voice memos without knowing the other person did the same. So we decided we would do the series anyways and then I was like - where do I put it?? I'll probably still post it after I do all the k-drama archival stuff. I have so much footage of us watching Itaewon Class and some of Start-Up. And then we'll do actual reactions to Vincenzo and/or My Name next (Allison has been begging to start Vincenzo for months). But with BEEF we had an interested experience watching it - us both being people in the industry and so Hollywood adjacent - but also me as an Asian American watching Asian Americans on a network show without being stereotypical Asians. It was mind blowing watching and realizing we were on TV as people and not a trope. And up until I started watching k-dramas, that's all we were for a long time. It wasn't until the recent years that we see more Asians on American TV and that be a normal representation. It's still a work in progress but it was pretty revolutionary watching. Allison has some great thoughts on it also from her perspective. I'll share it with y'all eventually. And yeah, it was definitely filler content. I just wasn't sure because it wasn't within the absolute lane of k-pop/k-drama. But it's like sort of there? Idk. Y'all can be the judge of it when it's up!