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Sorry we've been MIA. Our schedules have been crazy busy and it's been hard to coordinate a time to react. But we managed to film last night so hopefully we'll get some newer reactions to you soon!

In the meantime, here's an impromptu reaction to Dimple/Pied Piper and Run BTS Live in Busan that I found from last November. As you can tell, it wasn't planned and YouTube was just autoplaying some stuff. I didn't want to gate-keep this amazing Vocal Line body-rolling performance from Allison so I decided to let it play.

Please excuse the crazy amounts of clothing we were sorting through. This was just a few weeks after Elaine passed and we were working through one of  closets. That girl had SO MANY clothes which makes sense because she was selling vintage clothing to help pay for treatment. Right now we're just trying to recoup some of that money by selling what's leftover. If any of y'all want to check out some of her shop items, you can do that here:


Anyways - hope you enjoy the video! 

- Editing Jo



Lisa M T

ALLISON -I saw very little attention to folding clothes...young lady!! I understand it's a little distracting when: 1. V and Jin sing I'll ruin you to one another 2. Suga has long hair 3. J Hope has long hair 4. Jimin, Jin, V, and JK do body rolls and hip thrusts while STARING into the canera. 5. Jimins shirt flies up showing his chest and abs I laughed so hard...at the clothes wrapped around your head moments.

Joanne Garcia

Hi! So I saw this comment awhile back and loved it - sorry I didn’t respond right away. I wanted to give Allison a chance to see it and respond. This is her reply: “I did my best, but the boys are so distracting. LOL I'm glad you enjoyed my weird ADHD overstimulated chaos! Thanks for being here, friend!!!!”