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We are finally doing it, y'all. We're starting a Patreon. 

I have MANY things in the hopper. Videos that were blocked that I want to post. Bonus content. Behind the scene extras from our Vegas trip. All that good stuff. 

Plus, I have ideas for different series for the future. So I'm excited to get things moving on that. And you'll all get first access to all the goodies before anyone else does! 

And I'd love to just hear your honest feedback on things as we go - things we can do better or incorporate, or clarify. So think of this as a super open collaborative space for us to chat and talk and do all the things. 

We're excited to grow this channel. And every dollar that comes in from our Patreon will help pay for all the work that goes into it. 



Producer / Editing Guru @ KPCC



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