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Hi everyone, I'm back again!

First off, thank you all for wishing me well. I'm feeling MUCH better now after recovering for the last couple months.

I was diagnosed with indeterminate colitis, meaning I'll need more tests over the years to see if it develops into Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's Disease. For now I'm on anti-inflammatory medication and following dietary restrictions, and next month I have a follow-up with my GI doctor.

So far I've had no more symptoms, but my main priority right now is saving up to get better insurance. If my symptoms ever come back I absolutely don't want to have to wait so long to get appointments & test results.

Now that that's out of the way, I'll get back to posting art & catching up on those Gumroad/Patreon packs. Thank you all for your patience



That's fantastic news! I'm so glad you're feeling better Tango! I hope you continue to improve and stay healthy


Oooh, well, I'm glad you got the diagnosis. I have Crohns myself, so you're not alone! It can be scary because of pain and eating issues, but once you have a treatment path things clear up. Hope they find a good remedy soon and that you experience long periods of remission!