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Hey everyone, back from the dead (again)

Been super busy with my other job, but now that my schedule has settled down I can get back to posting & finishing my backlog.

I put together a 2017-2019 Archive containing all the pictures and WIPs I worked on (250+ base artworks).  Next week it'll be publicly available on Gumroad in 3 versions: SD (FREE), HD ($10), and PSD ($20). All patrons whose Lifetime Pledge meets these amounts will receive the respective versions for FREE, from now until the end of 2021 (links will be re-sent each month). 

There's still a lot of pictures I want to finish up for the 2020 and 2021 Archives, which will be distributed the same way as above (Gumroad + free based on LTP thru 2021). Later I'll be dumping my 2020/2021 pics to Twitter & my other galleries since they're more reflective of my current art style.

I'm still juggling a lot of work between the backlog, revamping my websites and setting up SubscribeStar & Fanbox (for when Patreon's policies inevitably drag it down the toilet). In the upcoming months, I'm hoping to transition away from my other job to focus on art & more consistent content for you guys.

Once I'm completely caught up and able to do art full-time (aiming for Q1 2022, but no promises yet), I'll publicly re-launch my Patreon with SubscribeStar and Fanbox. Same tiers & pricing, but with new projects I've been planning to do for months.

Thank you to everyone who's supported me during this time.



HOLY FUCKING FUCKER FUCK YOU'RE ALIVE! *yetihug you off the ground* Good to see you. Is your SS and Fanbox going to be under the same name?