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Hi everyone, very sorry to be gone for so long again & making you worry. Still busy dealing with my life situation and going through backlog pictures, but I finally got around to cleaning up some WIPs meant for past months. It's still gonna be a long time before I'm fully caught up but I'll be better about giving updates here and on Discord.

I'll also try to keep up a schedule of dumping some pictures every few days. To start things off, here's a Golden Girl pic (/aco/ character from 4chan)

Also Merry (belated) Christmas, I hope you're all having a safe holiday season




WELCOME BACK YOU GLORIOUS BRILLIANT BEAUTIFUL GOD EMPEROR OF AWESOMENESS! *YETIHUG* I hope that you are well and sorry to hear you are still dealing with life stuff. Hopefully it will turn out better. Thank you so much for this beautiful sexy masterpiece of pure flawless perfection! Happy holidays!