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Hi everyone,

I’m really sorry to keep disappearing like this. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed between family emergencies and I haven’t been handling my anxiety well. I’ve just sent out the Dec 2019 Rewards and more are on the way, but here’s an update on my personal status and my Patreon. It’s kinda long, so if you want the Patreon info just read the first 2 sections.


Dec 2019 Rewards delivered & more are in progress. ETA for Jan 2020 Rewards is around the end of this month.

Due to massive delays in my work schedule, Voting & Video Packs are on hiatus, and Gumroad page is still in progress. Tiers are reverting to old pricing:

  • $1 (Bronze): Early Access to Finished Pics, SD Pack (around 10+ sketches, includes WIPs)
  • $5 (Silver): HD Pack, Early WIPs
  • $10 (Gold): PSD Pack

Backlog is still in progress and I’m giving refunds for certain pictures AT MY DISCRETION (please do not ask for one). I’ll contact you when I have an update for your picture or if you’re receiving a refund.


Due to new laws passing in several countries, Patreon will be required to start charging sales tax on some pledges starting July 1st. Sales tax will depend on your state/country; in the US it could range between 4% and 11%. I’m still looking into these changes, and Patreon says they’ll be providing tools for creators to see what types of rewards are exempt from taxing.

You should be getting an email from Patreon about this change if you haven't already, and you can read more about it here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043055071


For several months I’ve been dealing with one with one family emergency after another, including the COVID-19 quarantine. We’re all safe but I’m feeling incredibly stressed and mentally exhausted.

A few months ago my grandmother began experiencing muscle spasms that severely limited her mobility. Between her spasms, dementia and other health issues that developed this year, she needs someone nearby 24/7 to tend to her & make sure she doesn’t injure herself.

I get depressed thinking about how my grandmother’s dementia won’t get any better, worrying if my mom or uncle will get it as they get older, and stressing out over my other obligations. To top it all off, I just reworked my Patreon at the start of the year because I thought I’d have enough time & stability to catch up with everything.

So yeah, mentally I’m not in a very good place right now. I’m trying to improve my work schedule and deal with stress better, but it’s still gonna take a long time to get my Patreon out of catch-up mode.

For those of you who wish to support me but are frustrated with my Patreon delays, the most I’ll ask is that you keep an eye out for my Gumroad pack releases. I plan to keep their prices the same as my new tiers, and my older (pre-2019) content will be much cheaper.

Again, sorry for the delays and long silence. I want to thank everyone who’s shown concern, and I’ll keep doing my best to get on track with the rewards and commissions. Hope you all are staying safe.



*Comforting supportive yetihug* I am so sorry for all the stress and misfortune you and your family are going through right now. I wish things turn around soon and get at the very least somewhat better for all of you. We will still be here to support you. *yetihug* Stay strong safe and healthy.