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Hi everyone, hope you're still having a good holiday week!

2020 Goals

This past month I've been working on changes to my Patreon tiers for the upcoming year. I'm still focusing on getting my monthly content up to a respectable amount, but this year it will be vital for me to grow my Patreon, Gumroad and commissions business into reliable sources of income; both for my own financial stability and so I can help out more with my family.

My backlog of Patreon comms is still a work in progress, but I really need to prioritize new commission work and Patreon/Gumroad rewards for the sake of my income. I'll be chipping away at the backlog gradually each month, and my goal is to finish it by the end of 2020. As usual, I'll contact clients as I start working on their pictures.

Commission Prices will be going up in a few months, but in addition to patron discounts I'll be offering Seasonal Discounts at certain times of the year. Patrons will get early notifications, then I'll publicly announce them on Twitter & Discord.

Tier Changes

As for the Patreon updates, a couple of the Monthly Packs will be switching tiers and I'll be adding more rewards as my schedule clears up. Here's the basic summary:

 http://tangobat.com/patreon-info/  - Jan 2020 Patreon Info (Please Read!) 

  • Wood Tier ($1): No changes
  • Bronze Tier ($5): HD packs moved to $10 tier, but adding Poll Access
  • Silver Tier ($10): PSD/Video packs moved to $20 tier, but adding $5 Commission Discounts (redeemable for 3 months), (coming soon) $5 Gumroad Discounts, and x2 Voting Power
  • Gold Tier (changed to $20): Adding $10 Commission Discounts (redeemable for 3 months), (coming soon) x2 $5 Gumroad Discounts, and x4 Voting Power.

I'll be aiming for just 1 monthly voted picture until I get more comfortable with my schedule. I absolutely want to avoid the same mistakes I made a couple years ago with my workload.

And for those who haven't seen it yet, I've set up a homepage containing links to all of my galleries, Patreon/Gumroad/Commission Info, and FAQs:

http://tangobat.com/ - Homepage & Links

Please let me know if you have any questions about the changes, or if any of the details could be worded more clearly.

Gumroad Commission Coupons

EDIT 12-30-2019: Following a fan's suggestion, I'm replacing the Platinum/Diamond Patreon tiers with special Gumroad Commission Coupons. This will help de-clutter the Patreon page, and more importantly it'll prevent "tier hogging": when one person stays in a limited-slot tier, preventing others from grabbing the slot.

Platinum/Diamond Coupons are purchased on Gumroad, and will count towards your commission. They will be available to all patrons on a first-come-first-served basis. When I open up slots, I'll post the secret Gumroad URLs and Discount Codes on Patreon and in the secret #patreon-announcements Discord Channel. (Discount Codes just set the Coupons to their "real" prices so non-patrons don't try to grab them.)


These Patreon changes will take place during January 2020, after the December 2019 rewards are processed. December rewards will not be affected. Anything marked "Coming Soon" will be added at a later date, possibly around Feb 2020 but I'll let you know when I have a more concrete date.

If you have trouble changing your pledge amount after the January tier changes, or if you have further questions, ask me or the mods in my Discord Server. 

Thanks for reading!



You have too many tiers going on. You should have 3 tops. Sell the special commission slots on Gumroad with a coupon code for backers given out only on the members only channels of the discord.


That's a good point, especially with Patreon's recent layout change. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll see what I can do to make those special comm slots most convenient for patrons.


So since I am a 5 tier should I change to 10 tier now to still get the HD pack or wait?


You can remain as a $5 tier and you'll still get the December HD pack. Around January 1st you'll be charged for the new month, meaning you'll be receiving the newly restructured January tier rewards when they're ready. If you want to sign up for a higher January tier (i.e. $5 -> $10), you can edit your pledge during January and you'll only be billed for the difference between those amounts. This page should have all the info about editing your pledge towards a Creator who has Charge Upfront enabled: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/208404313-I-was-charged-immediately


Oof thats kinda a bad feels cut for the 5$ tier


I know it's disappointing to the $5 patrons who are interested in the HD packs, but in the coming months I'll do my best to offer more things to vote on. I'm also open to suggestions for what other perks to add to the $5 tier.


Ok but ... When are we getting Decembers and the previous months rewards? And when are you going to update the Gumroad?


The December packs should be ready around the 6th, and August-Nov packs around the 15th. I want to have at least 10 pics in each month, although I won't have time to color all of them. Those months will be up on Gumroad soon afterwards, and in the following months I'll focus on getting my older 2017-2019 stuff on there as well.