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Early ad-free access to RWBY Volume 6 Chapter 12 reaction



Qrow jumping off the cliff is always so funny "well if Ruby's dead I may as well be." (meta reasons it's so he goes offscreen and they can swap models. None of JWNR are big enough to hide behind I guess)


And so now the big question...is Adam REALLY DEAD? You never know..... except here, yes he is dead and confirmed dead. Literally no coming back with a sword through the heart and a lung, and then probably breaking that neck in the fall as well + drowning (also writers confirmation lol) Honestly one of the best moments in RWBY with ending a character specific arc/story. CANNOT WAIT for you guys to watch s7-s9. Cant help but feel a little bittersweet considering the news with RoosterTeeth unfortunately :( o7


R.I.P. Rooster Teeth, I might not have watched any of your content (except RWBY because of these guys tbh) in a few years, but they were my childhood and my teenage years, but you will be missed. The writing was on the wall with all the controversies in the past few years and the declining viewer count, but Miles EDIT: (Kerry) did say that they were in talks for RWBY with others I believe in the live stream they did a few days ago. So there might be a chance we get more.


I want to add to your perspective on the pain Blake felt at that moment. To me it is less about the relief or the tragedy and more for what it literally and figuratively represented. One: it's not the same as killing Grimm, they just took someone's life. And two: this life became less about who Adam was and more what he represented. I know the two of you never thought Adam appeared to show as much skill and might as he actually did, but that's the thing about toxicity, there's a terrible and ruthless strength to it that is just as equally comparable of a challenge as surpassing it emotionally and mentally. More than anything Adam became a symbol of shared trauma, and despite getting rid of his authority, it would have been a hundred times easier to move away and let it rot than cutting the root of the decay yourself, having to face a nightmare in front of you having the strength to surpass it. This is as torturous as it is a relieving feeling, became I'm sure Blake never expected to take as far as she had to feel herself free. And moreover remind herself that she had run away from her problems so much that she felt Adam became part of her guilt and blame for leaving someone behind, a feeling that Yang herself felt, that was what Adam blamed her the most for, but now Blake has a chance to come to terms with her own failures and be able to put both trust and commitment to being by someone else's side.

Davie Campbell

He basically out right said that it's important to him and CRWBY that they finish RWBY. They're still in talks with crunchyroll (I assume that's who he was referring to when he said they were talking to the same people) and will try their hardest to get it finished.


About Weiss and Ruby -- it even harkens back to their days at Beacon. At first Weiss hated being paired with her, but her feelings changed so that by the time Beacon fell, we see them both go together back into fray looking for Pyrrha and Jaune. Ruby said she was going, Weiss interrupted to say, "No, WE'RE going," and when Ruby says she has a plan, Weiss replies, "You always do!" Weiss supports Ruby even when it isn't clear what the plan is. We saw it earlier in this fight when Ruby falls, Weiss catches her on her hive queen and snaps, "What if I hadn't been there?" and Ruby says, "But I knew you would be." So here Weiss again uses her sigils to slow Ruby down when she is thrown back to shore, so that Qrow can catch her. (It is a great sign of growth for Weiss too -- she originally thought she was better than everyone else, but she no longer has to be the hero and is happy to play a strong support role as needed.) Blake and Yang seem to have an even more coordinated fight strategy. When their trademark move was supposed to have Yang swinging in on the ribbon, Adam deflects it and Yang immediately changes it up to swing Blake in. They have an equal partnership and can just switch roles in the fight as needed. This fight with Adam brings closure to so much. Yang's choice to trust and support Blake despite Yang's past trauma, Blake proving herself courageous and keeping her promises. And Yang has learned from her father. She might not be faster than Adam... but she's smarter -- just like her dad taught her after she lost her arm. It was such a brilliant fight, and Adam was too overconfident to realize what was happening: Yang's semblance can't be taken from her, but Adam's doesn't work without his sword. This fight is among the top best in the series. I agree with Bethany about Blake's tears. This fight took a lot out of her. Some of it was relief that it was over, but she did love Adam once upon a time and she didn't really want to have to kill him. Adam also emotionally has spent so much time confusing her, telling her lies about herself, making her doubt herself. Blake chose here to trust Yang with her life and to take a stand and deny al the lies that Adam had controlled her with, even while she might still have wanted to run. It was the right choice but it was painful for her -- and now with Adam gone and her freedom from him... what comes next? Nothing is predictable now. (It is very similar to the emotional energy at the end of that Julia Roberts' film, "Sleeping with the Enemy.") That line delivery is just so beautiful when Blake says, "I'm not going to break my promise, I swear," and Yang tenderly cradles her head and says, "I know you won't." They've both turned a corner.... together.


lol I noticed that too -- how often they avoid having to animate his transformation by just briefly dipping him off-screen.

Tatsumi Ga Kill

I might get hate for this but Im not really happy that Adam died. In my opinion they should have done so much more With him. And with this in my opinion Blakes Relevant Arc has completly ended and she is basically useless for the Story now.

freshyjazzy12 .

I just wanna say that going back to Adam's previous stuff, the Sheathe of his Sword is also a whole ass shotgun. I completely believe that the writers just forgot that and had him behave like he lost the only weapon he had when they threw his sword off the cliff, one of the things I hate about how they started writing Adam. The fight between them was originally supposed to be in Volume 3 when he came to Beacon but they changed it to what happened instead. Many people were saying at the time that from a power standpoint, Blake and Yang shouldn't be able to beat him because while I can believe that Yang's training made her stronger than she was in Volume 3, Blake has literally had no training at all and her only real fight by herself was against Illia. It seems like they just wanted to kill him off and find any way to get it done.


Yeah... oof that was disappointing. Adam's death was not at all satisfying to me, they really missed an opportunity. Everything from the wasted potential for more lore and reasoning for Adam to the forcing of the Bumbleby shipping and just the obvious nerf of Adam and his powers. Don't get me wrong he's a villain you really hate (Which is justified, he was awful) but god the writing went downhill. Just my opinion though <3

Bryan Forquer

I don't know if you guys have heard yet. But on Wednesday March 6th, Rooster Teeth made the unfortunate announcement that they are being shut down by Warner Bros. The main showrunner of RWBY, Kerry Shawcross is meeting with other networks and studios to help keep shows like RWBY to continue. No new information has been released as of now. But they are trying to sell the rights to RWBY to other interested parties to help keep this show going. The only message I can give now to the RWBY fandom and anyone who is a fan of Rooster Teeth's content is to please be patient, and to not give up hope. There are many people out there who are still fighting like hell to save these wonderful shows! Now, as for my thoughts on this episode. The fight between Blake, Yang, and Adam is one of my favorites of this entire series. They were both finally able to slay their metaphorical and literal demons, by killing Adam. They were finally able to overcome the trauma that they had both endured because of Adam. Plus being able to mend and repair their friendship, and move on from the all the pain they had suffered. Next episode is definitely a great one, but I also can't wait to watch you start volume 7!


I cannot get over people who claim Bumbleby was 'forced' when the VA's themselves have confirmed that it was in Monty's original plans. The very first fanfics out there were Blake/Yang stuff. So where people get "this came out of no where" from, I have less than no idea. Also tired of the Adam apologsts out there. His part of the story was done... just like torchwick when he got his comuppance.


They just don't have the time and budget to explore all these characters and subplots that fans wish they could explore. I get that there was a lot more potential with Adam but i wish fans who were really mad about his death understood that. If anything they needed to do something different with the faunus Menagerie subplot in v4-v5. Something that included more Adam, it might have been less boring

Alex Smith

It's probably just to save on animating it, but it might be interesting if the transformation is really gruesome or something. I always thought it was weird people flipped out about it so much, like big deal they can turn into birds? It's not permanent or anything.

Mike Milligan

"But I'm smarter". He literally got outplayed when he emotionally went for a kill shot and the sword got caught because he wasn't expecting that. He kicked the crap out of Blake just last episode. I never understand these adam-nerf comments. If the strongest guy is always going to win, unless we see a training montage and everyone shouts out their power-level like its DBZ, the show would be predictable and boring.

freshyjazzy12 .

I was moreso bringing up the fact that his sheathe is a shotgun and that since their fight was supposed to be V3, it would’ve made more sense. And yea the stronger person doesn’t always win ofc but there’s a reason Cinder didn’t make Adam submit until after she got the Maiden powers….

Mike Milligan

Adam showed more power and cooler combat in these past episodes than he had in the entire show. He got emotional and sloppy and lost it all in a moment (which is very in-character). How is it forcing a ship when Adam has been the main antagonist for these 2 since 3 volumes ago? Its not out of nowhere that they would take him down together. Its not like they made out over his corpse, they briefly held hands.

Mike Milligan

youre right, I've never noticed the sheathe thing before. Still, clearly acting emotionally at this point


That was Kerry Shawcross in the livestream as Miles Luna had left Rooster Teeth back in 2019 to become a freelance writer. Though he still sometimes contracts for RT for the series Camp Camp as both writer and voice actor. He still will voice Jaune though.

Mike Milligan

absolutely tragic both for the current employees and the internet legacy. Seemed inevitable given WB recent behavior, but hopefully RWBY will find a home somewhere that values the existing creative team and voice cast. 7,8,9 have honestly been may favorite volumes since the beginning.

Shadow Drivver

There’s one thing about the sheathe/shotgun: it utilizes dust rounds, and you can’t activate it unless you still have aura. Which was shattered thanks to Yang’s super punch. So, even though he still had the sheathe, it wasn’t really much besides a bludgeoning weapon.

freshyjazzy12 .

As far as I know, the only thing affected by Aura is your Semblance and your Durability. I'm fairly sure you can still fire dust rounds without any use of your Aura, it's just a regular gun with a variety of bullet types. I've never heard that one before but if you could tell me where it says that then I'd appreciate it.

Encyclo Chemeleon

in direct response to the "his part of the story was done" that is just hilariously incorrect. just an episode prior they reveal a key hint as to his hatred of humans and a connection to the SDC which is immidiatly cut off, never explored and ultimately means as much as if the scar had just been a simple line. why purpusely give him a deeply lore indicative scar if you are just going to never go into it and kill him off? i'm not gonna comment on the bumblebee aspect of this because i just dont care. But Adam could have had more, but in the chess game that was RWBY the writers sacrificed his piece for nothing


Terrafan the thing is for me, the "forced" part wasn't because they got together it was HOW they got together that was forced. It doesn't matter if it was planned or in the original plans if the path to it wasn't written well. I mean Sun had more development with Blake even when they ended up as just friends in the end. I'm also not an Adam apologist i never wanted him to actually win or thought his methods or in fact his mind was sane. The disappointing element was from HOW he died or more so how soon he died since there was wasted story potential to it like Encyclo Chemeleon points out. Mike Milligan, sure he showed a lot of cool combat moves and more of his power since it was a much longer fight and i totally understand he got emotional and sloppy but that still doesn't explain the obvious nerf of his power. I've already written a lot and don't feel like writing an essay on the topic but i feel this video rant explains what i mean with nerfing him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI9Z1wpwG-A (I don't fully agree with the person in the video but mostly i do) Wanted to end this with, its fully okay if you don't agree with me and if you don't feel disappointed then hell that's great i just wanted to express my take on the episode <3.

k c

Oh, so RWBY was associated with Rooster Teeth. I never watched RWBY or really heard of Rooster Teeth that often. What other popular stuff are they attached to…?

James S

Red vs Blue and gen:Lock are probably the best known ones, besides RWBY.

James S

Been waiting a long time for this one, I knew you'd find the end of the Blake and Yang vs Adam fight so cathartic.



k c

Oh… Death Battle… That’s it. And I’ve heard of Slomo Guys before. I only heard about Red vs Blue since the shut down.


That is correct, my bad. I was half asleep when I wrote that, I'll edit it real quick.


Their podcast network (which is still active atm) also hosts a ton of podcasts https://www.roostnetwork.com/podcasts.


It would've been amazing if this show had a studio budget behind it and all episode lengths could be around 22 minutes or more. There was a lot to explore. But we hated Adam so were happy to see him die in this 😇😈

Akio Senpai

With the conclusion of the struggle with Adam in this episode, I am so excited for you to listen to the song Nevermore. One of my favorite RWBY songs.


There was no build up of Sun and Blake. If you ever marathoned Romance-centric films in western media Sun And Blake hanging out doesn’t fit that criteria. He was set up to be the avatar for the audience to get information on the White Fang thru Blake’s perspective. And he played the role of motivator for Blake to go back to her team while helping her deal with the White Fang themselves. Adam doesn’t even acknowledge Sun’s name and just calls him “Blake’s classmate. whereas Yang's name actually gets identified by Adam. In Romance especially between main character, there is a sense of first time meetups, urgency between the two parties which leads to conflict and then a reunion and reconciliation which Sun and Blake did NOT have. And before anyone says anything about “Oh but he met the parents.” That trope is for when the couple are already dating and one of them is intentionally making the other meet the parents. But Sun stalked and tagged followed Blake (Blake answers her mom with ,”He just followed me.” None of Sun and Blake's dialogue was about each other. It was only about the White Fang and about her teammates. Even Sun is the one that brings up Yang during his private call out to Blake as he's sitting on the couch inured. While he says that he would do it again in a heart beat, he also points out that Yang would do it too. So no, there was no building up of BlackSun. We don't see Blake wistfully thinking of Sun while she's by herself. And with Blake and Yang it was the subversion of the Trope,”Boy Meets Girl, Boy Loses Girl and Boy gets Girl Back.” Which again subverted to Girl Meets Girl.” Yang Meets Blake, Yang loses Blake and Yang gets Blake back but like any romance centric plot, has to reconcile and realize oh, she’s the one for me. That was the set up. It’s cliche but that’s how it works in Hollywood American romance productions and Yang and Blake are two of the main ensemble cast. Sun isn’t even a deuteragonist (that role goes to JNPR). Sun is what the industry calls a “Featured” character so he plays a supporting role which didn’t really have many lines except to remind Blake about her team and the role she should or shouldn’t fulfill. He was the voice of reason that doesn’t end up with the main girl. It’s like stories like the River, or Unforgotten, of even Happy Valley to name a few. But anyway, main characters rarely get together with side characters. And no Yang is not a side character since she’s got the second most lines (cumulative volumes) in the show after Ruby herself. And just a reminder these are lines and not individual words in this metric so Yang get's 865 lines of dialogue just under Ruby's 1365 lines. Sun didn't even crack the top 10 as dueterogonists Oscar and Ren round out the top 10 at 284 lines.